Monday, January 7, 2013

A Voice in the Distance

A Voice in the Distance

I can here you calling in the distance.
There is no face attached to this voice, yet there is a certain tenderness whispering listen.
Lord, could it be, could it be the one?
That one that I’ve yearned for from my inner recesses?
The one that I have prayed for, knowing he who finds her finds blessings?
My love, if it is you, know that I’m sitting here listening.
My heart’s flame is kindled by the voice in the distance.

Several times I’ve mistook others to be the bearer of that tender voice;
Subsequently releasing the abundant assets of the fortune stored within my heart,
Struggling with the fallibility of my discernment, I sought God to help me secure that precious gem I was seeking.
His response; My gifts only come through me, what were you thinking?
My son, you touch your dream by trusting me,
If you will allow me to, I will remove the blinder so that you may see!
So my trusting Him has allowed me to envision you, the bearer of truth!
Through the funnel of my vision I attend to my mission, all the while I envision the bearer of the voice in the distance.

King Lemuel’s mother described you in proverbs 31.
The substance of your heart breathes light as bright as the sun.
Your tenderness circumvents my guarded heart and delivers my soul to a place where all is well.
As each moment passes, my faith eradicates the enemy’s resistance as I focus on the voice in the distance.

When I think of God’s careful design,
As he sculpted you with me in mind.
How he carefully chose the womb and the seed of your progenitor.
How 23 chromosomes from your mother merged with 23 chromosomes from your father, creating the genetic masterpiece for which my prayers had ascended.
How no detail went unattended; how blood types blended; how commonality was rescinded, creating all that God had intended.
Through the meiotic division of cells came the ovum through the process of oogenesis, creating the first half of the perfect synthesis.
Down through generations of many witnesses emerged the seed through spermatogenesis.
Together all this forming the DNA that through time would emerge; the fulfilled promise of God’s Infallible Word!

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, intricately woven & masterfully formed, God presented His best.
Through His best, I was tested and found true, opening the pathway to receive you.
I’ve been given the vision, anointed to fulfill the mission, sent to empower Christians, but I can’t shake the voice in the distance.

God has blessed me with every gift and given me all things richly to enjoy in all sublime.
Yet, beyond salvation, you are the greatest gift, encouraging me to fulfill my design.
You are encompassed by grace, draped in virtue, filled with the spirit, anointed with power, held by the hand of the Lord.
It is trusting in His promises and hearing your voice in the distance that assures me that I am loved by my God.

All the times I’ve prayed it, the multitudinous times I wished it, If I would have blinked I might have missed it. …. “He that delights in the Lord shall have the desires of his heart”
There it was, written on the chords of my heart in a melody that sings your name as the final part. 
The verse that makes the pain make sense. The Promise that brings peace in grief.
My love, I sense you growing closer as if you may appear in an instance,
But until that moment, I will continue to hear your voice in the distance.

Dr. Rick Wallace

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