Support RWM

Often times, when I meet people and they ask me about my ministry and the things I do, I often ask them to “google” me, simply because the ministry has done so much in the past several years. It is sometimes easier to allow people to see things for themselves than it is to attempt to present it to them on your own.
Recently, I had an individual come back after “googling” me and the ministry with a sense of astonishment. When I inquired as to what had impressed him, his response was I “googled” you. His question was, how in the world do you do it all? My response? God! I was interested to see what he had seen. When I searched myself on Google, I was quite amazed at all that God had accomplished through me and the ministry in a relatively short period of time. Honestly, I stopped reading after the tenth page.

I am not arrogant enough to believe that any of this was accomplished under my own power, but through the omnipotence of God, many have been inspired, encouraged and empowered through the work of RWM.
One area in which I have struggled is being obedient is asking for financial support for the ministry. It is not wired in my DNA. I am awkward in the worst way, when asking for help, especially financial support. To exacerbate matters, the few times that I have tried, the initial push was not successful and I immediately backed off. God has been working with me over the past year concerning my pride and the persistence in obedience in this area.

When God gave me the vision for Rick Wallace Ministries he revealed in great detail all that I would do on behalf of the kingdom. Everything that has been accomplished to this point and all that will be accomplished is for Him. I am simply the vessel that He is using for this particular purpose. We each have callings that will drive us toward our destiny. The work that is done at RWM is what God has given me.
One of my concerns with asking for financial help is the consideration to what others would say and think. The truth is that the Man of God is expected to earn his living through His ministry. Look at what Paul told the Corinthians:
[Consider this:] What soldier at any time serves at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat any of the fruit of it? Who tends a flock and does not partake of the milk of the flock?
Do I say this only on human authority andas a man reasons? Does not the Law endorse the same principle?
For in the Law of Moses it is written, You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the corn. Is it [only] for oxen that God cares?(A)
10 Or does He speak certainlyand entirely for our sakes? [Assuredly] it is written for our sakes, because the plowman ought to plow in hope, and the thresher ought to thresh in expectation of partaking of the harvest.
11 If we have sown [the seed of] spiritual good among you, [is it too] much if we reap from your material benefits?
12 If others share in this rightful claim upon you, do not we [have a still better and greater claim]? However, we have never exercised this right, but we endure everything rather than put a hindrance in the way [of the spread] of the good news (the Gospel) of Christ.
13 Do you not know that those men who are employed in the services of the temple get their food from the temple? And that those who tend the altar share with the altar [in the offerings brought]?(B)
14 [On the same principle] the Lord directed that those who publish the good news (the Gospel) should live (get their maintenance) by the Gospel. (1 Cor. 9:7-14, AMP)
I have labored in the vineyard and to this point and have eaten very little from its fruit. My concern is not simply for my eating though God and Scripture endorse it. My concern is for the progress of the ministry as well. Everything that has been done to this point has been done without external support and the ministry can no longer self-sustain itself, yet, the responsibilities and commitments remain. Will you stand with me?
It is now that I choose to move into an area of consistent obedience in seeking financial support for the ministry, for believe that it will open the door through God will move RWM into the next phase of its growth. I am asking those that are able to make a commitment to support the ministry, weekly, monthly or annually. Whether you commit a dollar a week or more, I am simply asking that you help. With electronic media, you will be able to follow the progression of the ministry as we move forward.
I know that there will be those that will have an issue with this, but I have learned the hard way that I would rather be in the will of God than in the good graces of men. For those that take issue with it, I am open to suggestions. Those that choose to help, you are appreciated and may God bless you in abundance as His Word promises.

To support the ministry and its many endeavors, simple Click Here.


(Bishop) Dr. Rick Wallace
Founder & President
Rick Wallace Ministries
100 Men of Purpose

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