Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Come Out & Come Forth

Some of you have been boxed in for years. You have been boxed in by the opinion of others. You have been boxed in by fear and trepidation because of the uncertainty of tomorrow. You have been boxed in by past failures. You have been boxed in by the mistreatment of the very one you gave your heart and soul to trust. 

Well, by the authority and power given to me by God, I now give you permission to step out of the box. I give you permission to step out of the shadows of your oppressor. I give you permission to walk in your purpose. I give you permission to be happy despite your circumstances. I give you permission to step out on the water and do the impossible on behalf of the kingdom. I give you permission to speak into the atmosphere and impose your God empowered will on the elements of life. I give your permission to start praying prayers that cause the sun to stand still. I give your permission to walk in the greatness of your identity and purpose. 

That's right you have been set free and the enemy has been convincing you that the box you were living in was real. My friends, Jesus removed that box nearly 2,000 years ago when he provided that magnanimous gift of salvation which brought justification, which bore positional sanctification, that ignited experiential sanctification, and that points toward eternal sanctification. You have been redeemed from the curse of living in any box. God wants you to expect to accomplish the impossible through him. 

Shake yourself loose from dwarfed goals and colorless dreams. Shake yourself loose from the perpetual travel through the maze of mediocrity. Shake yourself loose from sight walking and low living. Shake yourself loose form pondering at the pool of popular opinion. You are the child of the most high, rise up and live in your royalty. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Believe In Order to See

January 28

Believe in Order to See

"Then believed they his words; they sang his praise. They soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel; but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul" (Ps. 106:12-15).

We read of Moses, that "he endured, as seeing him who is invisible." Exactly the opposite was true of the children of Israel in this record. They endured only when the circumstances were favorable; they were largely governed by the things that appealed to their senses, in place of resting in the invisible and eternal God.
In the present day there are those who live intermittent Christian lives because they have become occupied with the outward, and center in circumstances, in place of centering in God. God wants us more and more to see Him in everything, and to call nothing small if it bears us His message.

Here we read of the children of Israel, "Then they believed his words." They did not believe till after they saw--when they saw Him work, then they believed. They really doubted God when they came to the Red Sea; but when God opened the way and led them across and they saw Pharaoh and his host drowned--"then they believed."

They led an up and down life because of this kind of faith; it was a faith that depended upon circumstances. This is not the kind of faith God wants us to have.

The world says "seeing is believing," but God wants us to believe in order to see. The Psalmist said, "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Do you believe God only when the circumstances are favorable, or do you believe no matter what the circumstances may be?
--C. H. P.


The writer of Hebrews tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. When we look for pragmatic or empirical evidence of what we believe it is not faith, it is sight walking. This is what the children of Israel did and it is what far too many Christians are doing today. When our countenance shifts with our circumstances, it is not faith. When our heart moves with the matter of our moments, it is not faith. When fear and trepidation overtakes in the midst of the darkness, it is not faith.

True faith sees the fact, but bears the power to bend facts. Faith acknowledges circumstances, but fixes the heart to simply disagree with the circumstances. Faith is aware of the danger, but understands you are kept under the shadow of the almighty. Faith reaches out into the spiritual realm when it seems that there is nothing there but air and pulls back miracles. Faith steps out on the water to do the impossible. Faith is not daunted by delay or deterred by darkness.

It is time to stop allowing your circumstances to be the force that dictates our movement. This is not the time for sight walking, this is the time to step over the boundaries of impossibility accomplish the impossible. It is time to apply a radical faith the refuses to be shaken by the size of your problem. It is time to start speaking of those things that are not as though they are.

You have been believing the enemy's lies for far too long. It is time to execute your kingdom authority and speak to the circumstances in your life and declare that which God has willed for you to be done. Start walking in what you believe before you see what you believe. Instead of seeing to believe, believe so that you can see.

Dr, Rick Wallace
You need to purpose in your heart that you are not going to stagger at the promises of God, but that you are going to dare to walk into the realm of impossibility with an expectation that is so radical that it shakes up the world. Start believing God for your healing. Start believing God for that successful business endeavor that the enemy has been telling you is not possible. Start believing God for that spouse that you have been praying for; not the watered down version, but the fully loaded version. The one that loves you beyond himself and past his feelings. Believe God that your barren womb will open up and you will bear children. Believe God that the cancer that has metastasized is destroyed. Believe that every curse, scheme and machination is canceled, right now.

Make this moment the moment that you rise up and live in a radical faith that changes not just your life, but the world around you. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Speak To Your Soul

Speak To Your Soul

You, like me, have waited for what seems like a lifetime to experience the sublime,
to engage love in depth ‘agape’ and ‘eros’ intertwined
never content with the shallow mind – of nitwitted impersonators attempting to convince us that their darkness could enhance our shine, facilitate our grind and free us from all that binds.
Though we have never met, crossed gazes, or explored intimacy within the confines of what is accepted, we are connected.
Your heartbeat provides life to me, if I were to be cut, you would bleed
When I pray God fulfills your needs, when I inhale you breath
Your yearnings move my being, and sets me into motion to insure that what you yearn you are receiving.
My heart feels your pain and every past hurt at the hands of another man, it knows the regret you feel when you contemplate the fact that what caressed the simplicity of your love was not my hand.
You rarely admit it, but you often think of me during those quiet moments
Wondering if I will ever come and end your loneliness
There have been many that attempted to speak sweet nothings with pretentious assumptions that were brash and bold.
As for me, though I know that I can tantalite your intellect, I would rather speak to your soul!

I would rather speak to the inner recesses of your very being
I would rather speak to that part of you that needs to know upon my arrival I will never be leaving.
I need to speak to the deepest yearnings that are locked away and protected
I need to speak to the part that has shut down from fear of being rejected
That part that has every wrong tallied and collected
Every scar cataloged and conversation dissected.
I need to speak to your fears and the darkness that takes away your breath
The anxiety that is robbing you of what peace you have left
I want to speak to the child that never knew her father
The ex-wife that thought she could save the marriage if she just fought harder
I want to speak to the mother that has done all for her kids, but continues to wonder if she could have did more than what she did.
I want to speak to the woman that has been broken and left to linger just past hope
The woman who decided not to give up and tied a knot at the end of her rope
I want to speak to the part of you that struggles to be whole,
I will speak to your soul

Touching you as my words move through the annals of time to speak into every situation
My love encapsulated by faith allows me to circumvent time’s design to enter your past bringing emancipation
Touching you as my spirit bears your spirit, the two becoming intricately intertwined as they combine, solidified through the inextricable connection of spirit, body & mind
The complex enigmas that have troubled you I will define
As I simplistically an carefully unwind
The tension that binds the joy that was planted by Christ’s love divine.
I will speak to the doubts that restrain your hope and subdue your expectations
I will reveal the outcome of every struggle allowing you to rejuvenate your anticipation,
Look forward to our relation, and the inexplicable gravitation
Of me towards you, rapidly, yet in total control
I will speak to your soul

Dr. Rick Wallace

I will speak to the woman that has never truly experienced love from a man
She’s been lied to, spit on, and abused at every chance
I will speak to her cries of loneliness, letting her know that it is time to move on with this
Replacing her trepidation with exceptional bliss, painting portraits of wedding vows sealed with a kiss.
Consummated through a physical passion that reflects God’s design
The design that reveals that I am yours and you are mine.
Knowing that the coming together makes us one and completely whole
But before touching you I would have spoken to your soul!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Failing In Your Design: The Fall of the Biblical Marriage

Failing in Your Design: The Fall of the Biblical Marriage     

Okay, if you are one of those people that has to have a pastor or preacher cater to your perception of reality, you might as well get ready to hit the delete button. If you are one of those individuals that gets upset when the truth of God’s word knocks you of the platform of your selfishness that you have become so accustom to. You might want to change the channel. If you are that individual that believes only the part of the Bible you like applies to you, this is probably the day we part ways.

This is one of those messages that will step on some toes, but those of you who know me know I don't care. I was not sent by God to win any popularity contests, or I would have become a politician. I was not sent to scratch the tingling sensations of those with itching ears.

For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, (2 Tim. 4:3, AMP)

The reason so many believers have fallen victim to failed marriages is that they don’t have a yearning desire to be led by the Word of God, they want Christ’s blessings and coverings, but they don’t want His leadership. They want to claim the benefits of Christianity without accepting the responsibility that lies therein.
As I get closer to the release of my book, When Your House Is Not a Home, I spend more and more time reviewing the manuscript and making final edits and adjustment. As I do this I am incessantly introduced to so many truths that I am simply overwhelmed by the force of the revelations that God was gracious enough to pass on to me. At the same time I am completely astounded at the foolishness I witness by believers. There is no way I can address it all here, and it is not my desire to, but I do want to touch on one thing; design.

Again, this is not to be discursive or comprehensive, but to give you something to think about.
You have to ask yourself this question straight out of the gate: Do I really want the marriage and the mate God intended for me or am I much more content living my life influenced by secular paradigms instead of Biblical mandate and divine revelation.

When I look at how marriage in America has disintegrated into a shadow of the divine institution that God intended it to be, it breaks my heart. The devil has so many of you chasing a fantasy with expectations that are not biblical and can only lead to disappointment and heartbreak.

Men, we were designed by God to carry out our specific and designated work. We were given the master vision in the manner in which God gave Adam his work, instructions, and mandates. When I say work, every man was designed for a particular work. In this instance, a man’s work is different than his job, his job is what he gets paid to do, and his work is what God designed him, created him, and called him to do. His work is reflected in his vision; his vision is a visual portrait of his purpose and his purpose is the revealer of his identity. When a man becomes acquainted with his purpose it reveals his identity and it his identity that provides his stability and confidence.

Until a man truly understands his identity and purpose he will attempt to find his worth in his things, accomplishments and finances. This is why when a man meets a woman that makes more money or has more degrees than he does he becomes insecure and cannot handle the relationship. The fact that she has more stuff makes him feel inferior, but a man that is acquainted with his purpose understands that his worth, value and position is based on his design and his calling. He is not intimidated by anyone because his position is secure, even if he should lose all of his things. My man Job could testify to this.

Even our women judge us by what we have and where we work and what we drive, etc. As I have stated before, the true godly woman that is acquainted with her purpose and identity understands that she will need to see her future husband, not only as he is, but more importantly, as he will become. It is more important to know where he is going than where he is now. When you ask that gentleman what he does for a living or where he lives, that tells you where he is now, not where he is going.

The first thing a Christian woman should want to know from a man is what his God-given vision is. If he doesn’t know or he can’t lucidly explain it, that is where it should end, he has more work to do before he is ready for marriage.

Ladies, you must become aware of your worth. You also must become acquainted with your identity in Christ. You must also understand your design. You have sold yourself short because you have bought into the myth that a man’s wealth and his belongings are indicative of his worthiness of your time. This can’t be far from the truth. As a Christian woman, your heart should be so hidden and occupied with Christ that the only way to you is through HIM! When you hide yourself in Christ, you will find that he will reveal to you the true value of a man. The true value of a man is not hidden is his possessions, but in his purpose. The true woman of God will be able to see past who a man is now and see the man he will become. She will also understand that a great deal of what he will become will have to be birthed by her. Contemporary women don’t like to hear that. They want a man that has already arrived, that is not how it works.

God created “Ishah” the woman (she did not become Eve until after the fall) as a helper for Adam. God told Adam that it was not good for man to be alone, so before you take what Paul said out of context and truly understanding it, what did God say? It is not good for man to be alone. So I will make him a helper. Remember, God gave Adam his work, the vision and the mandates before he ever created the woman and the woman was created as the helper. Dr. Myles Monroe says that the woman is an incubator. What does he mean by that? An incubator is something that you can take and put something that cannot grow or maintain life on its on inside of and the incubator provides the perfect environment to take that which is has potential, but is not yet developed and provide all that is needed to bring it to life.

In other words, the woman was design to give life, both physically and spiritually. Men, if you give a woman your seed (spermatid), she will not return it to you as a spermatid or seed, she will take it within her body and over 40 weeks she will provide the perfect environment for the seed to grow from an embryo, to a fetus, to birth. She then returns your seed as a living infant. A woman is a living walking incubator. If you give her a house, she will consume it with her spirit, pour out her heart into it and she will give you a home. If you give her groceries she will give you a meal. It has been said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. There is a lot of truth to that. It is not the taste of the food as many believe, but it is the love that is poured into the making of that meal that carries the power to penetrate his heart. In the same way that a woman brings life to all these things, she also brings life to the vision that God has given the man. She will take that vision into her heart as if it were her own and she will literally give spiritual birth to that vision and it will catapult him into the stratosphere.

So ladies understand that when you meet him and he is not where you think he ought to be it’s because he will not get there until you birth that part of him. He may be successful, but success and greatness are not the same. Anyone can become successful with the right amount of focus and effort, but greatness is only obtained by fulfilling your designed purpose and destiny. Women have been trained to look for the one that can provide, which is important, but so much emphasis is focused on what he has instead of who he is that women end up in marriages in which they are well provide for, but they are miserable. They found a man without a vision or one that has lost sight of his vision. There is one other instance. The man who has a thriving vision, but it was birthed by another women.  

When a woman births the vision in a man there is a spiritual bond that is created that may go unidentified or acknowledged, but it exists nonetheless. When that bond is created, the man may leave but no other woman will ever be able to fill that place as long as the wife that birthed the vision is still living. So if you are wondering why you are catching hell, it is because you are trying to walk into something someone else has birthed.

Men and women, I leave you with this, no your identity! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hidden In Christ: Receiving the Mate that God Has For You!

Hidden In Christ: Receiving the Mate that God Designed for You!

Allow me to elucidate the dynamic flow of receiving the right mate. Notice that I said receiving the right mate, not finding them (At least not in the sense of actively searching. When you find them its actually more noticing them after God placed them in front of you than it is finding them.  You don't find them, you receive them, as they come hand delivered by the designer. So many spend great energy attempting to find the right one and inevitably end up with the nightmare from the dark side.

When you go desperately seeking something, you alert the devil to the easiest way to get to you. So he sends an impostor that talks like a winner, but actually, they are there to rob you. They are there to rob you of your virtue, your hope, your dreams, and your joy. They will drain you of all that is precious under the guise of love; leaving you helplessly lacking is self-worth and self-esteem.

So, you don't go looking for it; no you wait, but you don't just wait; you position yourself in the proper place. Where is this place? This place can best be described in my favorite quote: "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek him first in order to find her." The proper position is hidden in Christ. Ladies, when your heart is hidden in Christ, you are aware of your identity and with the awareness of your identity, there is an awareness of your worth. There is also an awareness of your purpose and destiny.

The great thing about being hidden in Christ is the fact that only Christ can reveal you to the man that is for you. Because you are hidden, only the one that Christ desires to expose you to will have access to you. This will save you from a lot of heartache and disappointment. So many of you are trying to increase your odds by joining dating sites, as if you can help God do what He has been doing since the beginning of time. You don't receive your mate by increasing the odds, you receive your mate by patiently and faithfully waiting on God to honor His promise.

This applies to the men as well. You must understand that as a Christian man, the only way you find that helper that God designed and sculpted from your Rib is the seek Him first. How can you possibly find a woman whose heart is hidden in Christ anywhere except hidden in Him? She is not in the club dropping it like it’s hot. She is not frequenting happy hours hoping for the right man to pass his number. She is not hanging around a bunch of negative women that are feeding her bad advice that will definitely cause her to screw up the next relationship that will come along. She is not pretending to be a Godly woman while constantly flirting with the thought of just how much can she get away with and still be okay with God.

She is hidden in Christ, her heart is sold out to him. She has probably been hurt more than once by a man that found it to be an acceptable course of action to step on her dreams and choke the life out of her aspirations. She has probably been battered by the negative forces of abandonment and betrayal. She has lost her ability to trust and the only way that you will get through those defenses without being hurt yourself is to go through Christ.

Dr. Rick Wallace
Women, if the man that shows up in your life does not bear the mark of a godly man, if his Character and commitment to his walk is questionable, let him keep on moving. I am not talking about a perfect man, I am speaking of a man that is perfectly committed to his design, purpose, and destiny. I am speaking of a man that is well acquainted to his vision. Women, too often, you are more concerned with where a man is at. You want to know what he does for a living; where he lives, what he drives, but all that reveals is where he is at. What you should be concerned with is what his vision is. Does he have a God given vision? Can he lucidly explain that vision? Why is understanding his vision so important? Because knowing what he does only reveals where he is at, but knowing his vision will tell you where he is going. Where he is going is extremely important, because that is where he will be taking you.

So, position yourself to receive all that God has for you. The enemy may have convinced you that it is too late, but that is not the case. God honors faith irregardless of how dysfunctional things have become in your life. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Friday, January 18, 2013

Not Afraid To Love You!

Not Afraid to Love You

It’s apparent that no one escapes life’s vicissitudes,
Looking past your pulchritude into the deeper you, I see that heartache has visited you too!

You’ve been lied to, left to linger and languish,
your heart has been crushed by grief and anguish;
devastated by deception & bruised by betrayal,
cast down in spirit and lost in multiple layers – of darkness,      
disappointment and unfulfilled needs and desires,   
your heart wants to love, but the good-til date has expired!

You’ve become disillusioned and darkened by the hurtful acts of the one you trusted to love you back.
Hemmed in and corralled by cunning manipulation, he said you had freedom, but that came with stipulations.

He promised to love, honor and protect, but you’ve experienced very little in the way of respect.

Your heart cries out in the darkness and despair, wondering in the midst of your pain if God’s really there.
He promised that he would not forsake, leave, or fail you in any way, yet the enemy has wreaked unbridled havoc to your dreams, draining you of your strength is seems, if he’s anything at all, he’s mean.

You’re wondering, where is the man that will hold you and chase away the fears, what happen to the lover that would tenderly caress away your tears?

What happened to that gentle yet powerful specimen that will lesson all your stressing while you travel through your testing?

With all your baggage and all that you’ve been through, you are wondering what good can possible follow the abuse. 
Know that in all the hurt that you’ve been through, I am not afraid to love you.

 God built me to be big enough to shield you from the terror of your past;
He built me to be committed enough to make it last.
He built me to be strong enough to bear the weight of your hurt
He built me to be wise enough to make it work.
He built me to be broad enough to cover you;
He equip me with the vision to see us through
I’m not intimidated by the size of your pain or your past.
I am not shaken by the daunting task,
Of loving you past all you’ve been through
I’m not afraid to love you.

God knew that you needed a man uniquely equipped to handle all that is you collectively.
Although he designed me perfect initially, I have become what I did habitually
Contaminated by secular infiltration, heart darkened by the physical manifestation of a break in my relation that brought massive devastation. I have desired God to return me to the initial state of my creation.

So he stepped down from heaven and dissected my being
Implanted a new heart within that affected my seeing. Transfused my contaminated bloodline with the His blood and infected my weak mind.

With a renewed spirit and a heart captivated by God Himself
I receive you with a tenderness that has become the vault where your heart is kept.
Yes, you’ve been troubled by so many impersonators, pretending to be me but your problems they exacerbated.
In all that has become your truth, I’m not afraid to love you.

Your hope has waned because of un-kept promises and pure dereliction
I come to heal you through a loving benediction.
I speak life through prayer and in specific description
Lifting you as I personally anoint your daily mission.
As I carefully touch each individual part
I speak life through my lips as it flows from my heart.
God, bless her eyes so she only sees you, anoint her lips so that she only speaks truth.
Guard her ears so that no evil comes through
As I hold your hands I speak that power flows constantly through them
Empowering you to touch a life and glorify Him.
Even your feet I hold as I speak they are kept
Lord empower her walk and guide every step.
I’m not frightened by all you’ve been through, I’m not afraid to love you!

I’m the manifestation of your prayers for someone to love away the hurt
I’m the physical expression of God’s responsive words.
I am the healing balm that erases the pain, eliminates the shame, covers the blame and gives you a new last name.
I’m the repairer of the breach and the guarder of the gate,
I’m the same man that promised you I’d wait.
I’m the man whose vision is designed to encompass you
The king that will make you my queen and edify you.
I’m the man that will infuse my love into the deepest recesses of your existence,
The man that will fulfill every one of your wishes
The man that will induce an elevated heartbeat when I enter the room
The king that will caress you with truth
I am not afraid to love you!

Dr. Rick Wallace

Never Too Dark; Never Too Far!

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ (2 Cor. 2:14).

Never Too Dark; Never Too Far!
God gets His greatest victories out of apparent defeats. Very often the enemy seems to triumph for a little, and God lets it be so; but then He comes in and upsets all the work of the enemy, overthrows the apparent victory, and as the Bible says, "turns the way of the wicked upside down." Thus He gives a great deal larger victory than we would have known if He had not allowed the enemy, seemingly, to triumph in the first place.

The story of the three Hebrew children being cast into the fiery furnace is a familiar one. Here was an apparent victory for the enemy. It looked as if the servants of the living God were going to have a terrible defeat. We have all been in places where it seemed as though we were defeated, and the enemy rejoiced. We can imagine what a complete defeat this looked to be. They fell down into the flames, and their enemies watched them to see them burn up in that awful fire, but were greatly astonished to see them walking around in the fire enjoying themselves. Nebuchadnezzar told them to "come forth out of the midst of the fire." Not even a hair was singed, nor was the smell of fire on their garments, "because there is no other god that can deliver after this sort."
This apparent defeat resulted in a marvelous victory.

Suppose that these three men had lost their faith and courage, and had complained, saying, "Why did not God keep us out of the furnace!" They would have been burned, and God would not have been glorified. If there is a great trial in your life today, do not own it as a defeat, but continue, by faith, to claim the victory through Him who is able to make you more than conqueror, and a glorious victory will soon be apparent. Let us learn that in all the hard places God brings us into, He is making opportunities for us to exercise such faith in Him as will bring about blessed results and greatly glorify His name.
--Life of Praise


We have all been in the place in which it seemed as if the enemy had the upper hand or even worse, it seemed as it the enemy had already won. People had already written you off and the rumors of your demise had already began to circulate. Yet, God honors his Word and He has never failed to deliver on a promise. He has promised that we are more than conquerors. He has promised that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. He has promised that when the enemy rushes in like a flood, He would raise up a standard against them.

I am sure that Job had to feel that defeat had found him as he sat in the midst of his grief and heartache, yet his faith in God's faithfulness would not let him believe that the final word had been spoken. It was that unwavering and inexorable faith that caused Job to say, "...I will wait until my change comes."

I am certain that when Isaiah came to Hezekiah and told him to get his house in order because his sickness was unto death, I know that Hezekiah had to feel that defeat had finally found him, after all, this word came through the man of God, directly from God. Yet, Hezekiah had enough faith to turn toward the wall and have one last talk with God, and after telling God that the grave could not praise you, he got a 15 year reprieve.

I can see Daniel being charged and found guilty of praying after hours and being thrown into the lions den. I'm sure there was a moment that it looked as if his enemy has scored a decisive victory,  but Daniel had seen too many moves of the hand of God in his lifetime to be shaken by a den of Lions. His faith closed the mouths of the lions and silenced his critics.

Dr. Rick Wallace
I'm sure that when Jeremiah found himself in that pit that death had to seem imminent, but that fire breathing preacher called on the God that had preordained him before he was even conceived and the delivering hand of the Lord moved.

Whatever you are going through right now is not too big for God to move. Even when it seems that it is too late, when it has moved beyond the 11th hour, I want you to know that God shows up, even after midnight. He is a show up God. He is a big move God. He is a God that allows you to fall into the realm of the impossible because He specializes in the impossible. He is about to completely show-out in your life. He is about to do the spectacular on your behalf. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

At the Right Moment!

And the Lord appeared unto Isaac the same night (Genesis 26:24).

"Appeared the same night," the night on which he went to Beer-sheba. Do you think this revelation was an accident? Do you think the time of it was an accident? Do you think it could have happened on any other night as well as this? If so, you are grievously mistaken. Why did it come to Isaac in the night on which he reached Beer-sheba? Because that was the night on which he reached rest.

In his old locality, he had been tormented. There had been a whole series of petty quarrels about the possession of paltry wells. There are no worries like little worries, particularly if there is an accumulation of them. Isaac felt this. Even after the strife was past, the place retained a disagreeable association. He determined to leave. He sought change of scene. He pitched his tent away from the place of former strife. That very night the revelation came. God spoke when there was no inward storm. He could not speak when the mind was fretted; His voice demands the silence of the soul. Only in the hush of the spirit could Isaac hear the garments of his God sweep by. His still night was his starry night.

My soul, hast thou pondered these words, "Be still, and know"? In the hour of perturbation, thou canst not hear the answer to thy prayers. How often has the answer seemed to come long after the heart got no response in the moment of its crying -- in its thunder, its earthquake, and its fire. But when the crying ceased, when the stillness fell, when thy hand desisted from knocking on the iron gate, when the interest of other lives broke the tragedy of thine own, then appeared the long-delayed reply. Thou must rest, O soul, if thou wouldst have thy heart's desire. Still the beating of thy pulse of personal care. Hide thy tempest of individual trouble behind the altar of a common tribulation and, that same night, the Lord shall appear to thee. The rainbow shall span the place of the subsiding flood, and in thy stillness thou shalt hear the everlasting music.
--George Kathy Matheson Thompson


How often have you fervently cried out to God in the midst of agony and there came not an answer in that moment? How many of you have found yourself in a place in which the incessant and pernicious attacks of the enemy have began to wear on the chords of your soul? I have been in that place where the silence from God in the midst of my suffering was deafening. It was as if He was screaming you are on your own, figure it out; however, I have learned that in that silence God is not aloof. It is in the silence of your troubles that God is closest. He is moving in the undercurrents of your struggles, maneuvering and managing all that is transpiring. He is rearranging the elements of your mess to empower your mission.
Dr. Rick Wallace

God has promised never to leave nor forsake you and He wants you to know that His silence is never indicative of His absence. He is always nearby.

Your prayers and your cries are heard and felt by the Lord. The squeezing by your troubles my be painful, they may at times take your breath away, but understand the the great I AM is always in control and at the right moment he will speak. At the right moment he will settle your spirit. At the right moment he will bring healing. At the right moment he will make His peace be still proclamation. At the right moment he will move in establish your footing and decree your position.

God hears, God sees, and God knows! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Monday, January 14, 2013



I am a king because walk and flow in the dynamic of my design as a king!

I am a king because my design is indicative of my designation by the omnipotent and sovereign God of the universe whom I LOVE and serve!

I am a king because my designation dictates my dominion over That which I have been given absolute authority to subdue and rule!

I am a king because I have be developed through struggle and tested by tribulation and proven fit to lead!

I am a KING!

I am king because I understand that absolute rule and domination of my dominion directs me to my destiny!

I am a king because I will defend my dominion to the death without wavering, faltering, or folding!

I am a king because I cover and protect all those that reside within the boundaries of my dominion and I am willing to lay down my life for every last sheep whom God has entrusted me with!

I am a king because my character and integrity reflects that of my FATHER who rules the whole of the universe.

Dr. Rick Wallace
I am a KING!

I am a king because no fear abides within me, I will gladly engage the enemy on the battle to retrieve, restore, and reinstate all that God has sent me to recover!

I am a king because I refuse to abdicate my authority to the enemy for the sake of comfort and convenience.

YES, I am a KING of the dominion appointed to me by God and I will live in the fullness of my dominion!

I am a KING!  

 ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Friday, January 11, 2013

Let Me Touch You!

Let Me Touch You

Let me touch you in all that you are, let me touch the deepest recesses of your heart.
Let me touch the scars of all the wounds that reflect all the pain that you have endured,
Allow me to pour out my love into the darkness of your uncertainty, transferring the worth in me to the virtue in you, making you feel assured.

Let me replace those moments of mystery with certainty that no evil will come near you,
I stand between you and every evil that would seek to bring you harm
God sent me to pull you through
To hold you, safely keeping you warm!

I am Boaz, you are Ruth. Once divided now indivisible, the conduit that makes God’s truth deliverable,

At the point of our genesis God began the perfect synthesis, sending us to the secular world as its perfect antithesis, 
showing that true love perpetually exists, being more than conjecture, theorem, or hypothesis!

So I will touch you with the warmth of His holiness, you will sense His love with each caress. 
 My physical strength will merge with your emotional strength generating a spiritual metamorphosis. 
I will bear you in my arms as you bear me in your spirit, birthing something that is reflective of love uninhibited.

Let me touch you, for my touch brings healing and the revival of your hopes and dreams, 
I am the fulfillment of your prayer to God for a King!
My touch will replace your trepidation with anticipation 
for I did not come to destroy, but to bring restoration.

I am here to revive the hope that delay has diminished, what is now dissipated my love will replenish, 
I speak with confidence because where I fall short, my FATHER will finish.
Let me touch your embattled spirit, covering your vulnerability with accessibility 
to all that God has given me, to the very last breath I am willing to give it.

I will pray for you with the intensity of Daniel and the perseverance of Elijah, with heart of David and the passion of Hezekiah.
With the strength of Moses and the audacity of Joshua, with the passion of Paul and the Wisdom of Solomon.
With the gentleness of Joseph and the burning fire of Jeremiah, 
with the insight of Mordecai and the anointing of Elisha,
I will touch you.

I will cover you with a loving benediction that will bless every recess of your soul and resonate through every inch of your body, 
creating and metamorphic infusion through the emergence of our mind, soul and body.
I’m speaking in the singular because we are no longer plural, reconnected after being spiritually dissected, having our hope resurrected, inextricably bound by the ONE through whom we were eternally elected.

My soul yearns for you the way Jacob desired Rachel, I’m not into the secular so I don’t want to play date ya,
I am giving all of me to you strait out of the gate, because if you are the one God sent, why do we need to wait.

Let me touch you from that place of impenetrable grace, healing every hurt, mending every wound, attending to every concern that hinders you, this shouldn’t surprise you, God told you that he would be sending me soon!

I want to touch that space that you have kept guarded, that sealed chest of divine fairness that bonds you to me in great complexity.
That place that reveals the chemistry that is spiritual yet so physical, 
where the whole of our existence is synthesized in perfect equilibrium, 
balanced by creation and designed to become the perfect representation of our relation – to the creator of time.
~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Voice in the Distance

A Voice in the Distance

I can here you calling in the distance.
There is no face attached to this voice, yet there is a certain tenderness whispering listen.
Lord, could it be, could it be the one?
That one that I’ve yearned for from my inner recesses?
The one that I have prayed for, knowing he who finds her finds blessings?
My love, if it is you, know that I’m sitting here listening.
My heart’s flame is kindled by the voice in the distance.

Several times I’ve mistook others to be the bearer of that tender voice;
Subsequently releasing the abundant assets of the fortune stored within my heart,
Struggling with the fallibility of my discernment, I sought God to help me secure that precious gem I was seeking.
His response; My gifts only come through me, what were you thinking?
My son, you touch your dream by trusting me,
If you will allow me to, I will remove the blinder so that you may see!
So my trusting Him has allowed me to envision you, the bearer of truth!
Through the funnel of my vision I attend to my mission, all the while I envision the bearer of the voice in the distance.

King Lemuel’s mother described you in proverbs 31.
The substance of your heart breathes light as bright as the sun.
Your tenderness circumvents my guarded heart and delivers my soul to a place where all is well.
As each moment passes, my faith eradicates the enemy’s resistance as I focus on the voice in the distance.

When I think of God’s careful design,
As he sculpted you with me in mind.
How he carefully chose the womb and the seed of your progenitor.
How 23 chromosomes from your mother merged with 23 chromosomes from your father, creating the genetic masterpiece for which my prayers had ascended.
How no detail went unattended; how blood types blended; how commonality was rescinded, creating all that God had intended.
Through the meiotic division of cells came the ovum through the process of oogenesis, creating the first half of the perfect synthesis.
Down through generations of many witnesses emerged the seed through spermatogenesis.
Together all this forming the DNA that through time would emerge; the fulfilled promise of God’s Infallible Word!

Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, intricately woven & masterfully formed, God presented His best.
Through His best, I was tested and found true, opening the pathway to receive you.
I’ve been given the vision, anointed to fulfill the mission, sent to empower Christians, but I can’t shake the voice in the distance.

God has blessed me with every gift and given me all things richly to enjoy in all sublime.
Yet, beyond salvation, you are the greatest gift, encouraging me to fulfill my design.
You are encompassed by grace, draped in virtue, filled with the spirit, anointed with power, held by the hand of the Lord.
It is trusting in His promises and hearing your voice in the distance that assures me that I am loved by my God.

All the times I’ve prayed it, the multitudinous times I wished it, If I would have blinked I might have missed it. …. “He that delights in the Lord shall have the desires of his heart”
There it was, written on the chords of my heart in a melody that sings your name as the final part. 
The verse that makes the pain make sense. The Promise that brings peace in grief.
My love, I sense you growing closer as if you may appear in an instance,
But until that moment, I will continue to hear your voice in the distance.

Dr. Rick Wallace