Thursday, December 20, 2012

Standing For Something While Living for The Lord

This message was just sent to me and I was given permission to share it, but I will respect the person's wishes and leave their identity anonymous.

"Just read your post about the businessman, and it promoted me to share something with you.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not the Satanic, atheist monster that people on Facebook think I am. At one point, I was full of the Holy Ghost, sold out for the Kingdom, and willing to die for the gospel. Rick I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the scriptures are real, because of what I have witnessed with my own eyes. I have seen devils cast out, sickness healed, prophecy spoken come to pass, and many other things spoken of in the scriptures, so for that reason, I could NEVER become a Muslim or anything else because of what Jesus did for me.

I would love to return home as the prodigal son did in the scriptures, but I have such a bad taste in my mouth from things that believers did to me personally, that I stay away. I know not everyone is hypocritical in the body, but it is hard to find others who are truly walking in righteousness. Man I have sisters who really don't deal with me anymore, because I'm not in the "church" anymore.

I don't even allow ministers, or so-called church people on my personal page, because I have no tolerance for frauds, but I have you because I watch you, and I've never seen you do anything contrary to your title, and THAT is why I respect, and mind my words around you. Stay true Rick, because there are a lot of us broken souls out there who need to be grafted back into the body, and all we're looking for is someone that we can trust enough to help us get back home without killing us along the way. Feel free to share this if you want, just do me a favor, and don't let anyone know it was me who sent this. I wouldn't want people to start thinking I'm human.
Peace my brother.."


As believers, we never know who is watching us. I had a woman that I admire more than any other come to me about 6 months ago and tell me that my faith inspired her. To hear that from her was like hearing from God, that is how much I respect her walk (because I have observed her walk it).

The young man that sent me this message has a powerful presence and a discerning spirit, but he has turned cold. Why? Because he was hurt multitudinous times. By who? Believers! The thing is when Christians do this, it does not just hurt the person betrayed, it hurts your testimony because non believers are watching.

Dr. Rick Wallace
God has started sending people that have observed me to me. When the woman I mentioned earlier came to me to commend my faith, the last thing I was thinking about was who was watching me, I was fighting the fight of faith and I had taken a position that said, "no surrender; no retreat". Someone was watching me fight. I could have given up, I could have became bitter, I could start burning people to make back what was taken from me, but I gave it to God, and with faith I pressed through the darkness, through the heartache and the pain. You know why? Because there are young men like the one that sent the aforementioned message that were called to take my mantle when my time is over.

What are you doing to give a good testimony of the faith? What are you doing to cast our Lord in the proper light? What are you doing to heal the land that has been poisoned by the ones who came before you? Don't let your testimony be that you harmed your fellow man. Don't let your testimony be that you talked a good game, but your actions were weak and sickly. Don't let your testimony be that you used God's name and platform but failed to follow him. What are you going to do with what God has given you? ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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