Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Homosexuality and the Church

One would have to have lived on some secluded island over the past two decades not to have been, in some way, impacted or influenced by conflict between the Church and homosexuality. Over these two decades, especially since the dawning of the new millennium, there has been a distinctive shift in paradigms as it pertains to homosexuality. Whether it’s socially, culturally or even in the light of the Christian faith, homosexuality is no longer viewed the way it was 20 years ago.

The country was built on the foundation of religious tolerance and tolerance for the beliefs and rights of others, even when their beliefs are diametrically opposed to your own. In other words, the thought has always been that a person has the right to believe what they want as well as say what they want, with some exceptions. Obviously there are boundaries to what a person can say about someone else in order to protect individuals from slander.

The issue now is that the etymology of the word tolerance has been brought to a place in which it no longer carries the same meaning or connotation. Tolerence has moved from the simple meaning or connotation of being a disposition that allows others the freedom of choice to being a synonym for acceptance.

The paradigmatic shift that this culture has experienced has also seen the polarization of homosexuality as a sin. Where the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, it is not viewed and treated in the same manner as any other sin associated with the Christian faith. This can be witnessed from both sides of the spectrum, Christians and gays, argue their points as if this sin should be isolated and treated differently than any other. This makes both arguments invalid and contrary to the will of God. This is not to say that there are distinctions associated with homosexuality, but to isolate it creates a desensitization on one side and an inflammatory force on the other.
If Chrisians would put the same amount of energy and passion into addressing all of the other sin that is rampant in this world the impact would immeasurable. In the same way, if those that are on the other side of the argument would acknowledge that homosexuality is just as much a sin as adultery or fornication (sins against the body), the process of healing could begin.

To this point, Christians (The Church) have done a poor job of engaging this issue. Either they have met this movement with anger and hatred or with acquiescence and acceptance. This article is designed to examine the mindset of the Church more than that of society or the gay-movement in general. The Church is a reflection of Christ and Christ never engaged any sinner through hatred nor did He extend the acceptance of actions contrary to the will of God. The Church has to find its place on this topic and make a stand. One of the reasons that the Church has been ineffective in having any type of impact in this area is because the world’s perception of Christianity is that it is perpetuated by hypocrites. Another perception is that Christians waver on almost all subjects. Believers must commit to a stand.

The Christian faith has never seen the level of assault toward its tenets and values as it has at this current time in history. Whether it is the main stream media and entertainment industries who vilify anyone who speaks against the act of homosexuality, or the organizations that portray the act as acceptable and even celebratory, Christians have been placed in the position of villain.  

There has also been an ongoing campaign to remove anything Christian from anything of significance. From removing voluntary prayer from schools and other public and government institutions to the removal of crosses and other semantic symbols of Christianity from all public places, the very ones that are screaming for constitutional freedoms are the ones that are fighting to suppress those same freedoms of Christian believers. The scary thing is thata great deal of believers, including Christian leadership, have acquiesced to the pressure and assimilated to the culture. The Church was designed to impact the world not be impacted by it.

A Paradigmatic Shift

There is no doubt that this contemporary culture’s view of homosexuality is distinctively different than it was just 20 years ago. The environment and atmosphere has changed. First there is the evolved perspective of tolerance. As stated earlier, this nation was founded upon tolerance of religion and personal beliefs. This has not changed, what has changed is the perception of tolerance.

Tolerance as it has historically been viewed means having the understanding that others have a right to believe and behave differently than you, as long as those beliefs and behaviors don’t directly infringe upon the rights of others. The view of tolerance has shifted to also incorporate acceptance. Anyone who expresses an opinion or belief that is opposed to homosexuality is labeled intolerant and classified as a bigot.

To call homosexuality a sin has become culturally taboo. Ministers refrain from addressing the issue from behind the pulpit because of the backlash that may come from their congregation. It is one thing to acknowlege the volitional freedom of a person to choose their own direction in life, but acknowledge of that freedom does no require acceptance or silence. Christians must be willing to speak the truth, even in the face of opposition and hostility.

As citizens of this country, every person has a right to believe what they wish without interference. They also have a right to behave in whatever manner they choose, as long as their behavior does not directly bear a negative impact on another. If the freedom of religion granted by the United States Constitution does not provide the protection for Christian believers to speak their beliefs then the freedom of speech for all citizens of this nation should afford that right. Yet, we see that Christians are being censored through the intimidation of being labeled a bigot or worse, some are even threatened with civil and criminal legal action.

Another part of this paradigmatic shift is the complete polarization of homosexuality as a sin. Both sides of the equation treat homosexuality differently than other sin. Yes, every sin carries its specific natural and spiritual consequences; however, sin is sin. What is the point here? The point is that believers tend to engage homosexuality as if homosexuals are worse than fornicators or adulterers. They behave as if the liar holds some better moral ground than the homosexual. The truth is that sin is rampant in many regards and homosexuality is only one. The lair holds no better status with God than the homosexual. The thief has no place of righteousness within himself that appropriates him a status that is more requisite of God’s love and forgiveness than the homosexual.

In the same way, homosexuals look to isolate homosexuality from other sins as if it is the one thing God made a mistake in communicating to the writers of the Bible. For the Christian believer, the Bible is the infallible Word of God and is the exhaustive authority on God’s will. It is to provide direction and correction.

16 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action),
17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16,17, AMP)
With this in mind, Christians cannot arbitrarily choose which mandates and declarations in the Bible are worthy of following. Many have asked why so much attention is given to homosexuality. The simple answer is that homosexuality is the only sin in which the sinner takes pride. The liar does not boast that he is a liar, nor the thief that he steals. Homosexuality has reached a point in which it is glorified. Furthermore, no other sinner openly attacks Christians (while claiming to be Christian) for speaking their beliefs.
When looking at the media and entertainment industry it is easy to see how the Christian Faith is under direct assault. Things that would have never been said or shown on TV a decade ago are now common place. Everything from foul language to nudity and suggestive behavior are shown on prime time TV. With what seems to be a need for every show to express their acceptance of homosexuality, there seems to be some homosexual element in every movie and TV series.
Improper Engagement
One of the reasons that this dilemma has become so great is due to the failure of the Church to adequately address the issue. As mentioned early on in this article. Christians have either taken the approach of hatred and isolation or they have moved to the platform of acceptance.
For those that are teaching hatred against gays, that is not of the Christian faith because it is not of Christ. One of the greatest failures of the Church is its “holier than thou” approach to ministering and engaging others. Religion has created an aura of arrogance in believers that has somehow convinced them that they are intrinsically superior to others. Somewhere believers have separated themselves from the principle of grace and assumed the status of self-righteousness. Love has been substituted by a superiority complex and mercy usurped by condemnation. This was never meant to be. Our actions and beliefs are a reflection of our relationship with Christ. Christ engaged every sinner He encountered with love and understanding which provided the platform to exact change.
Just as dangerous as hatred is acceptance. Many believers have been influenced by the subtleties of this secular culture. They have been convinced that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and that tolerance means acceptance. Of course, it is easy to accept wrong behavior because you are not met with resistance and hostility. However, the Christian believer is called to bear their cross and sometimes that cross is hostility and hatred based on your beliefs and the stance that you take because of them. It is the responsibility of every believer to meet sin head on with the same love and grace through which God met you.
This article is not an article that is intended to promote hatred or generate ill will. It is a call to believers to stand and be assertive while consistently expressing the love of Christ in all that you do. Do not allow yourself to be deterred by the influences of the secular culture that surrounds you. You were called with great purpose and your destiny is determined by the will of God.
Dr. Rick Wallace

Christians were not called to ponder at the pool of popularity, neither were believers designed to meander through the maze of mediocrity. The secular world views that are prevalent today have infiltrated the Christian faith and believers have become lost in the conundrum of antinomianism. It is not only homosexuality; sin is rampant in many forms. Adultery (one of the most destructive forces when it comes to the institutions of marriage and family) is more widespread than at any time in the past. Fornication has become the accepted norm. All three of these particular sins have a couple of distinctive similarities. First they all fall in the category of sins against ones own body. Secondly they all negatively impact the plan of God for marriage and the family nucleus. The moral fiber of this nation is unraveling, largely due to the failure of the biblical institutions of marriage and the family. What we do from this point will determine if this generation will fulfill its destiny as Christian believers.
Pointing the finger is not the answer, but being active in love and understanding the full scope of your Christian responsibility has great power. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

1 comment:

  1. This message is beautifully expressed and the trumpet blast that the body of Christ need to hear, understand and execute! Praise God for your willing and obedient spirit to the King of kings! We shall stand for righteousness in love.

    Thank you for being a voice of truth and righteousness in the wilderness!
