Saturday, December 29, 2012

Too Passive to Prosper

Stop confusing servility and passivity with humility. There is no mandate for believers to be servile and passive. That is a lie by the enemy to convince believers to sit idle and accept whatever comes their way. The true believer is not servile, but assertive. They are not passive, but passionately aggressive.

Humility has nothing whatsoever to do with passivity or servility. Humility is simply the result of a state of mind that acknowledges the source of the overwhelming confidence that is within you. Humility recognizes that the source of your strength and ability originate in God and that it is not of yourself. It is the reflection of your understanding that you cannot do it on your own.

Dr. Rick Wallace
The enemy has robbed you of your swagger because he told you it was not Godly, but arrogant. Arrogance is confidence that stems from a belief that you are somehow responsible for all that you are able to accomplish. The Bible is literally my living and life, and so I spend a great deal of time in it, therefore I can say with absolute certainty, that Christ was not passive, neither was Paul, and neither was Peter. These men were extremely bold and challenged all that moved against the knowledge of God.

I would suggest you read a short book by Wallace D. Wattles entitled: Jesus, The Man and His Works. He opens up the true the Christ to the reader.

It is time to rise up and walk in the boldness of your design. It is time  to move in the power that God has placed on the inside of you. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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