Saturday, November 10, 2012

Through the Fire

The Road Uphill

"Walking in the midst of the fire" (Daniel 3:25).

It is an important revelation to see that in this, God did not deliver them from the fire. He delivered them through it. He allowed them to walk in the midst of what was meant to harm them, in order to validate them. He could have stayed the hand of the king or He could have quenched the flames, but instead, He allowed Nebuchadnezzar to have the furnace heated seven times hotter than normal.

This reveals to the believer that the greatest legacies are built in adversity. The greatest growth is obtained in the annuls of struggle and strain. There is no power in the circumvention of life's vicissitudes. There is no gain in sidestepping adversity. This is a war and the victory is won in the heat of battle, not in the quiet and comfort of perceived safe havens.

Sometimes you have to be exposed to the fire to remove impurifications that dull your shine. Sometimes the fire verifies your faith. Sometimes the fire allows you to reveal Christ to others. When Nebuchadnezzar looked into the fiery furnace he noticed that there was an additional occupant. They had thrown in three, but now there was four. It is in the tests and trials that God is seen most clearly in your life. When people look at your in the midst of your struggles, but you are not defeated, you reveal Christ.
Dr. Rick Wallace

The prosperity and quiet time are the reward of faithful service and inexorable perseverance; however, the shine comes through the friction created in struggle. So when the darkness settles overhead, know that God is taking you through the tunnel of suffering in order to continue your down the road to your destiny. The darkness does not reflect His absence, but is a testimony of His faith in you. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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