Friday, October 18, 2013

Repairer of the Breach

"3 For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, 4 And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions." (2 Tim. 4:3-4, AMP)

We have reached a point in which professed believers are more interested in having their perspectives and behaviors validated than they are with hearing the truth. They have accumulated leaders who are willing to preach from the platform of popularity rather than teaching the truth.

The truth will not be popular, because it challenges the status quo. The truth forces us to perform an introspective examination of our lives. It compels us to relinquish our selfish desires. I believe in encouragement and empowerment; it is needed so desperately within the Body of Christ right now. However, encouragement that is not grounded in truth will ultimately have a crippling affect on its hearers.

The Holy Spirit compels me to speak truth over approval. I am not here to preach to the itching ears of believers that desire no change or progression. I am here to lead, to empower and to equip. This is done by administering the truth. This is accomplished by shedding light on spiritual cancers that are metastasizing throughout the Body of Christ and rendering the Church ineffective in its mission. I am not hear to coddle or impress you. I am not here to reinforce your selfish mindsets. I am not here preach 30 minute feel-good sermons that don't empower you to face the challenges of the week. I am not here to help you justify your sins. I am not here to ease your conscience about your luke-warm lifestyle. I am here to bring truth.

Dr. Rick Wallace 
The previous guardians of the gate failed to keep out the enemy and he has wreaked havoc on believers and the Christian faith. God is sending men of character, integrity and commitment to root out the enemy.  There has been a changing of the guard. The breach is being repaired and the power of God is about to be revealed in those whose hearts are loyal to Him. There can be no half-stepping. There can be no happy medians. There can be no luke-warm lovers. God is about to do mighty things and He will accomplish these works through a remnant that are committed.

Stop seeking validation for things that are not of God and start seeking God. If you have teaching that does not challenge you and convict you of a need to change and grow. You need to question your position and your leadership. None of has arrived and if we are comfortable in our current state, we are not being moved by the Holy Spirit. It is time to grow. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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