Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Walking in Greatness

Walking in Greatness

I was adopted and reared by my great-grandparents. I thank God for the lessons that they taught me.
My Grandmother: "Son you were designed and created for greatness. God gifted you to move powerfully in His kingdom. Whatever you do, don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise. You will stumble and make mistakes, but that does not negate who you are. You may even venture off track, but that does not negate who you are. People will talk about you, but that does not negate who you are.
Baby, you will be misunderstood, misquoted, and flat out lied on, but that will not change who you are. Friends will leave you when you need them most. Others will abuse your love because they can't understand it. In return for your love, they will become your accusers, but they still can't change who you are. Son, you are anointed, gifted, powerful, purposed and sent. No human designated these things and no human can eliminate or destroy them. Son, you are called and sent by God; walk in it." Mrs. E. L. Wallace 

My Grandfather: "Son, if you listen to what I am about to tell you, you will be a great man in this world, not based on the standards of man, but based on the legacy you will leave behind for your descendants.

You will find yourself in one of three places throughout your life; going into a storm, in a storm, or coming out of a storm. When you find yourself in a storm, your first inclination will be to look for someone to blame; don't worry, the majority of the time you will not have to look much further than yourself.
When you find yourself in the storm, do not focus on the placing of blame. When you find yourself in the midst of a storm, your number one responsibility as a man is to insure that you come out of your storm a better man than when you entered it." C.D. Wallace

My great-grandparents taught me so much. They prepared me for life. They made sure that I understood who I was and what that meant. They also made sure that I understood that my gifts did not come with a guarantee of perfection.

I have made my share of mistakes. I have done things that I am not proud of, but by the awesome and unyielding grace of God, I can say like Paul, I am what I am. I have seen my share of storms, but I am still standing; adversity can't change who I am, it only validates it. I have had some naysayers that declared me unworthy of my calling, but they couldn't change who I am. I have had those people that spend their time with me reminding me of my past, but it doesn't dismantle or destroy my future. They can’t change who I am.

I learned through the lessons that were taught to me in that little home on Tite St. that there is an awesome power working in my life and the life of every believer that is willing to step onto the battlefield. I learned that there is a force working on the inside of me that is more powerful than any enemy or obstacle I will face. I learned that the Cross paved my way to victory long before my arrival. I leaned that I could shake myself loose from any diabolical scheme and every pernicious machination of the enemy.

Dr. Rick Wallace 
I want to encourage each of you reading this article to believe in who you are in Christ. Stop allowing others to label you and establish your worth and your power. Start walking in the anointed power of God. Set your sites on God's purpose for your life. There will be moments in which you will seem lost and maybe even stumble; don't ever allow someone to convince you to mortgage your future in an attempt to pay for your past. Mend the relationships that you can, change those things about you that are not of God, and move forward. Leave the past where it lies and focus on what the future holds for you. God wants to use you in a mighty way. Anyone that is not in your life to facilitate God's movement in your life has been sent by the enemy to distract you from it.  There is no neutral ground; there is either friend or foe.

I pray the awesome power of God in your lives. You are the blessed of God.  ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Monday, July 29, 2013

Christian Faith

Trust Him in the dark, honor Him with unwavering confidence even in the midst of mysterious dispensations, and the recompense of such faith will be like the moulting of the eagle's plumes, which was said to give them a new lease of youth and strength.
--J. R. Macduff

Blessing Amidst Struggle

If we will look back upon the past, many of us will find that the very time our Heavenly Father has chosen to do the kindest things for us, and given us the richest blessings, has been the time we were strained and shut in on every side.
God's jewels are often sent us in rough packages and by dark liveried servants, but within we find the very treasures of the King's palace and the Bridegroom's love.
-A. B. Simpson

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Breaking Through The Darkness

For every person that finds themselves in a dark place, for every individual that feels that God has somehow lost sight of your struggle; to every person that is fighting with all you have to hold on to what little faith remains, I want you to know that "Trouble Don't Last Always".

It was David that explained the dynamic of the Christian struggle when he said, "God's anger is only for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping endures for a night, but joy shall come in the morning (Ps. 30:5) - Trouble Don't Last Always!

I know that there are some of you that are wondering when the morning will come. It seems that the darkness of night has settled over your life indefinitely, but I came to tell you that morning time is coming; the sun is dawning just over the mountain top. - Trouble Don't Last Always!

The enemy is attempting to convince you to give up, but hold on with all that you have left. The pain has been intense and the loneliness unbearable, the dawning of a new day approaches, morning time is near. Trouble Don't Last Always.

It was the writer of the Book of Hebrews that encouraged a people that were going through the heat of struggle that they should not throw away their confidence because their confidence (faith in God) had great reward (Heb. 10:35). The author of Hebrews went on to tell them that they were in  need of endurance so that after having fulfilled the will of God, they would receive the promise. He told them that God finds no pleasure in those who shrink back. Finally he assured them that the true believer does not shrink back, but believes until the very saving and preserving of the soul (Heb. 10:36-39).

Dr. Rick Wallace
I don't know exactly what you are going through, but I can tell you,  through academic study, experiential observation, and personal testimony, that God is a show up God and from the very moment you cried out to Him, your prayers were heard (Dan 10:11). God is moving in the midst of your moment. The show up process has begun. Don't allow the enemy to convince you that delay means denial. Delay is simply the ripening process through which God matures his children for the mighty works he will do through them and for them.

Your moment is coming, Trouble Don't Last Always!. Give God praise. Praise Him like your faith has revealed to you that you are already victorious. Praise him as if you are living in the moment of victory right now. Let your praise be a testimony to the enemy that you will not be defeated, deterred, daunted or filled with doubt. Let your praise be indicative of your faith's proclamation. Trouble Don't Last Always! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Friday, July 26, 2013

Follow God’s Impulses

Follow God’s Impulses
by Max Lucado

What Annie Dillard says about writing in her book, “The Writing Life,” is true about all of life:  “Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book; give it, give it all, give it now.”
There is a wonder to life. Pursue it. Hunt for it. Don’t listen to the whines of those who’ve settled for a second-rate life and want you to do the same so they won’t feel guilty. Your goal is not to live long…it’s to live!

You can’t be criticized for what you don’t try, right?  You can’t lose your balance if you never climb, right?  So, take the safe route.  Or. . . you can follow God’s impulses. He says, “Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it.”  Time slips.  Days pass. Years fade. Life ends. And what we came to do must be done while there is time!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Trusting God In The Middle Of Your Mess

What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter (John 13:7).

All is not revealed in the beginning. There are moments when there seems to be no clear indication of what is taking place in your life. You are searching for some cohesive or distinct pattern that might be indicative of what God is doing in your situation. Through your limited perspicacity you strive to make sense of it all, but you falter underneath its weight. There is a reason that God commanded that we don't lean on our own understanding (Prov. 3:5, 6). His thought and ways are higher than ours (Isa. 55:8, 9).

It is not for us to figure out or rationalize God's movement in our lives; we are to simply trust Him. We too often attempt to orchestrate the the dynamics at work in our lives instead of trusting God and allowing His plan to unfold through the conduit of our faith. We press when we should pray. We strive when we should stand still. We worry when we should simply wait.

I'm am sure that Joseph had some questions as he struggled through his plight, being beaten and thrown in a pit by his brother; not to mention being enslaved and imprisoned. None of this resembled the vision that God had given Him, but Joseph had been taught by his father Jacob to trust God above all else.

God was maturing Jacob through his trouble. He was preparing him through his struggles. He was building character through the testings. Joseph could not understand. Honestly, he could not fathom what was about to take place in his life. When this all started he was a brash little teenage kid with a dream, but God was about to bust a move in his life that would set the course of history. By simply trusting God, Joseph was elevated.

I am sure that there were many cold nights out there in the wilderness as David kept his father's sheep. There had to be moments when David wondered how in the world do you get anointed to be king and then sent back out to watch the sheep. David didn't fully understand it, but God was training him to shepherd a different kind of sheep. God sent lions and bears to prepare David to face the giant opportunity that was soon to come. David didn't completely understand, but he trusted God anyway. Because of his faith, David become the greatest human king to live; even the humanity of Christ descended from Him.

Dr. Rick Wallace 
It is not for you to fully understand God's movement; full revelation does not require faith. God places us in situations in which the outcome seems uncertain, so that we are forced to exercise our faith. Faith is best seen in the darkness of uncertainty. Faith becomes expressively distinctive when pragmatic and empirical evidence is no longer present. Faith stands tall when men declare things impossible for you. Faith acknowledges your negative circumstances and then totally disagrees with them.

Yes, you are going through a difficult time, but God is working in the undercurrents of your struggle. He is about to do a "new thing" in your life (Isa. 43:19). He is about to shake up the world around you. You are being positioned for the spectacular. Just trust Him! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Monday, July 22, 2013

Undaunted - Bible Lesson 1

Undaunted - Introduction

Waiting to Be Gracious

And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you... blessed are all they that wait for him (Isaiah 30:18).
We must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of what is more wonderful still, of God's waiting upon us. The vision of Him waiting on us, will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting upon Him. It will give us unspeakable confidence that our waiting cannot be in vain. Let us seek even now, at this moment, in the spirit of waiting on God, to find out something of what it means.
He has inconceivably glorious purposes concerning every one of His children. And you ask, "How is it, if He waits to be gracious, that even after I come and wait upon Him, He does not give the. help I seek, but waits on longer and longer?" God is a wise husbandman, "who waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it." He cannot gather the fruit till it is ripe. He knows when we are spiritually ready to receive the blessing to our profit and His glory. Waiting in the sunshine of His love is what will ripen the soul for His blessing. Waiting under the cloud of trial, that breaks in showers of blessings, is as needful.
Be assured that if God waits longer than you could wish, it is only to make the blessing doubly precious. God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son. Our times are in His hands; He will avenge His elect speedily; He will make haste for our help, and not delay one hour too long.
--Andrew Murray

It is important for believers to understand the vastness of God’s wisdom. His infinite wisdom and knowledge extend so far beyond our own limited perspicacity that we can’t fathom His movements in our lives. They just don’t make sense.

As Andrew Murray so eloquently stated, what we consider delay is God’s ripening process. God’s wisdom will not allow him to bestow blessings on us that we are not yet prepared to receive. Oh, we have convinced ourselves that we are ready, but God knows otherwise. There is never any wasted movement in God’s activity. Even His silence has purpose. So, when He waits to be gracious to you, it has purpose.
Dr. Rick Wallace
Many times others have to be ripened as well. There are people on your periphery that are a part of God’s blessing process for you, and they must be properly prepared as well.

Some of you have been waiting for your breakthrough for what seems like an eternity. Your season of darkness seems endless; but don’t allow the darkness to create anxiety for God dwells in the darkness (1 Kings 8:12). Even when you can’t see or sense His movement, He is there. When your day is filled with loneliness, he is there. Though your moment seems to tarry, wait for it. Wait with patience, expectation and anticipation of the great things that He will do.

God is moving in the midst of your moment. He has not failed you. He has not forgotten about you. He is aware of the smallest of details and He is waiting to be gracious to you. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Gravity of the MOMENT!

The Gravity of the Moment

As I sat in church this morning I began to contemplate the responsibility of the task that I have undertaken. Making a decision to become involved in a movement to create racial equality in the justice system comes with many powerful implications and consequences. I will lose friends on both sides of the spectrum, but it was more than that.

A young man lost his life and ignited a fire. Many are still grappling with the question: What is so different about this death and so many others? The truth is, I don’t have all of the answers. Sometimes God allows certain things to happen in the right environment at the right time to create the perfect storm. I don’t have an explanation for the mothers of the thousands of black youth that have been murdered in this country since the death of Trayvon Martin. I know you wonder why so many people have become engrossed in the fallout of his death while the death of your child seems to have gone unnoticed. As a black man and a leader in the community, I apologize, because every life should matter.

The more I contemplated what was transpiring; I realized that the moment was far larger than me. The weight of what I have undertaken rested on my chest like a ton of bricks. I realized that there was no popular ground on which to rest my feet. The blacks won’t be happy because I will call them to own their own mess and acknowledge the erroneous thought processes and paradigms that keep them entrenched in the desolate valley of poverty and misfortune. The whites will take issue because they are being called out to deal with an issue they just keep hoping will go away.

The truth is that there is enough responsibility and blame to go around; starting with me.

Wise Advice
As I sat there this morning, I was reminded of something my great-grandfather once told me. He said, “Son, there is only one thing that will rid the world of darkness, and that is light. The truth is that light son. Remember you can’t please everyone and there is no one you will be able to please 100 percent of the time. It is not your responsibility to seek the approbation of man, but to stand in truth. Speak the truth and let the chips fall where they may.”

So, the way that I engage this monumental moment is by simply seeking the truth and speaking it, regardless to what others may think or say.

The Truth
The truth is that many blacks will become disenfranchised when I refuse to spew hatred towards whites. As a believer, I hate no one and hating adds nothing to the character of the one doing the hating. I will not label every white person a bigot and a racist, for there are those who I would gladly stand in the trenches with; because they have stood in the trenches with me. Does this mean that I am giving white America a pass? Not in the slightest. White America, as a whole, has some culpability in the plight of the black race; owning and engaging this is the only way that it can be effectively rectified.

White America wants me to stick to quoting scriptures, writing inspirational treatises, and participating in other community events that don’t cast light on the darkness of racism. Not all whites are racists, but most wish that everyone would stop talking about it. The problem is, we did that, and it’s only gotten worse.
Here is some real truth: Since Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, at least 4 other black male youth have died at the hands of white men, and in all four cases the possibility that the killings were racially motivated, to some extent, is extremely high. Before the black community starts singing my praise for pointing that out, you should know that in that same time frame another 3,000 plus black kids have been murdered, but these kids died at the hands of other blacks.

To the white community, based on our collective history, it will never be acceptable for even one of our kids to die because of the color of their skin (not one). To my fellow blacks, we should be as sick of the fact that our kids are committing fratricide at an alarming rate, as we are disgusted with the murder of our youth by whites. I am not saying dismiss the awful things that have happened to our race at the hands of the white man. I am saying that we will never get anyone to respect and care about our plight until we began to care ourselves. We are literally imploding as a race.

An Analogy
When the Israelites were suffering under the oppression of the Egyptians, God sent Moses. Moses lobbied for the release of his people, assisted by the mighty hand of God. Eventually, the Israelites were released. However, there was a problem. These slaves had never known freedom. They were the fruit of 400 years of oppression. They soon found that freedom came at a steep price. Room and board was no longer provided. Food was no longer a guarantee. Most of all, they found out that their oppressor would not easily relinquish its power over them.

The Israelites initial response was to go back to Egypt and surrender and move back into slavery. At least they would have shelter and food. They had cried to be delivered for their entire lives, but freedom was overwhelming. Although they did not go back to Egypt, they did something just as bad; they attempted to live the life of freedom with the mindset of a slave.

They complained about everything. They complained about water and God told Moses to strike the rock and water came forth. They complained about food and God gave them manna. They complained that there was no meat to eat with the manna, so God gave them quail to eat.

Then God tells them that he is giving them a land that is full of abundance; a land flowing with milk and honey. He told them that it was already theirs; they only had to go in and possess it. The problem was there were giants in that land that had no intention on just handing it over, but God had said it was theirs. Caleb and Joshua declared that because God said they could, they could, but the other spies reported that it was all God said it was. They just did not believe that they could take it.

Why did I share this story? I share this with you because far too long blacks have been attempting to live in a free world with a slave mentality (I won’t get into the specifics today.). For far too long blacks have been complaining to God about provision, and when he provided it, we simply became comfortable with it. God has told us of our promised position in this nation and in this world, but he says we must go in and possess it. It will not fall into our hands; we must go in and possess it. It will not be voluntarily relinquished; we must go in and possess it. The problem is that we have seen giants. We can see that there is a better world but we fear the giants. We fear failure. We fear racism. We fear the lack of popularity. We fear the possibility of actually having to invest some blood, sweat and tears.

Not only that, we fear the fact that we may have to perform three times as better than the white person to get the same results (while failing to realize that we are capable).

Yes, I am very much aware of racism in this country, I witness it more than I would like to admit, but I can honestly say that racism has not stifled my conquest of the promised purpose and destiny God has promised me. You know the unique and powerful thing about destiny? The more you try to stop it; you only insure that it happens. Your giants were not meant to stop you; they were meat to catapult you into your promised land.
Dr. Rick Wallace
I will lose friends and I will make enemies, but at the end of the day, I will be able to sit down and tell my great-grandkids how I stood on the truth and cast light into a dark world. I have no desire to ponder at the pool of popularity. I have no yearning to meander through the maze of mediocrity. I do not seek the approbation of man nor do I acquiesce to the pressure of the moment.

As a Christian believer, I have a responsibility to speak the truth in love. I can’t just talk pretty and smile, while my people are living in fear, poverty, neglect, as well as fighting against a system that is designed to keep them down. I will stand on the truth. I will push for blacks to possess the land and I will call on whites to honor what God is calling them to do. There is one other thing my great-grandfather told me: If you are not a part of the solution you are, by default, contributing to the problem. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Friday, July 19, 2013

5 Secrets to Surviving Anything

5 Secrets to Surviving Anything
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God is in control!
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Like it or not crises and tragedies are parts of life. It may be as massive as a tornado in Moore, Okla., or a Super Storm Sandy. It may be a single car accident or diagnosis of life threatening illness. Some face the crisis of broken relationships, lost jobs, or financial ruin. When faced with such trials we can shake our fist at God, insist He is not in control, or cry out to Him to shine a light in our darkness. In her book, A Walk Through the Dark, Eva Piper shares her story of finding her way through the darkness following her husband experienced a tragic car accident. In overcoming her ordeal, she found God never left her and He won’t leave you either.

Secret 1. You shouldn’t try to face the crisis alone. “When cast into the midst of a crisis you often feel alone and isolated,” says Piper. Our Savior knew we would face difficult times. “In this world there will be many trials, but take heart for I have overcome the world.” Jesus has provided for us in our most difficult times. Allow people to minister to you by accepting their offers to help. Often we don’t want to impose or be thought weak. As a good friend taught “You are robbing people of a blessing when you don’t allow them to help you.” Christians are to act as the body of Christ, reaching out to those in need. Allowing others to help you will bring you comfortand give them the chance to minister.

Secret 2. Allowing others to help allows you to take care of yourself. Piper continues: "The hour to hour, day in day out struggle of recovering from a crisis puts an incredible burden on the victim and their family. There is little time for rest during the recovery process. Limited rest results in your brain being on overload. Often you will be making serious decisions. It’s difficult to think things through when you are tired. Allowing others to help lets you take a break, a chance to recharge. That may be a simple walk down the hallway, a drive around the block, or a chance to go home for a much-needed nap. There is truth in the statement 'You can’t help your loved one if you don’t take care of yourself.'”

Secret 3. Seek God in Honest Communication. It is a humbling thought to believe that the creator of the universe wants to communicate with us. That is why we were to created, to have fellowship with God. In times of crisis God is there to listen to our deepest fears, our anger, our frustration, and our questions. He is never offended by our honest communication with Him. God would rather you be engaged and mad at Him than ignore Him. While dealing with crisis you can be completely honest with God. He never fails to answer. That answer may be yes, no, wait, or I have something better. He loves you and knows what’s best.  Many have found a new, fresh, fulfilling relationship with God during their most trying times.

Secret 4. Don’t Second Guess Yourself. After a crisis the tendency is to ask “What if_____?” It is normal for humans to wish bad things hadn’t happened. But during a time of crisis you can’t waste time wondering ‘what if?’ you have to spend your energy on the recovery.

Secret 5. Keep a Journal. “During times of crisis you are hit from all sides with questions and decisions,” writes Piper, author ofA Walk Through the Dark. “It feels like you are in a storm with problems coming from all directions. Just trying to sort things out came be overwhelming. Keeping a journal can help you organize your thoughts. It’s private, just for you. In the journal you can list pros and cons of a decision and write about your feelings. Some people find buying a simple spiral notebook and writing down facts…medications, surgery dates, and doctor notes is a good way to start. Later they begin more personal writings. I found that keeping a Bible verse journal is also helpful. I write down verses that speak to me in a special way. Later, I go back and reread those pages of verses to bring peace during a difficult time. Journaling is a one way to provide shelter from the storm brought about by crisis."

God Loves Humility

God Loves Humility
by Max Lucado 

God loves humility!  Could that be the reason He offers so many tips on cultivating it?
May I (ahem) humbly articulate a few? Do you want to be humble?  Assess yourself honestly.  Don’t take success too seriously. Celebrate the significance of others. Don’t demand your own parking place. Never announce your success before it occurs. Speak humbly. One last thought to foster humility. Live at the foot of the cross.

Paul said in Galatians 6:14:  “The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is my only reason for bragging.” Do you feel a need for affirmation? Does your self-esteem need attention? You don’t need to drop names or show off. You need only to pause at the base of the cross and be reminded of this:  The maker of the stars would rather die for you than live without you. And that’s a fact.  So if you need to brag, brag about that!
from Traveling Light
Listen to UpWords with Max Lucado at OnePlace.com

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Great Struggles Lead to Great Exploits

"32 Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. (Dan. 11:32, NKJV)

This is a powerful verse of scripture taken from a most revealing text. It reveals that those who move away from their covenant with God, shall easily be influenced by the subtleties and lures of the enemy, but those that know (have intimate dealings with) their God shall be able to withstand the pressures of the enemy, and do wonderful and mighty works for the glorification of God.

It is not my intent to get into the interpretation of this text (the entire text surrounding this scripture). I will just say that some believe it to be a real-time prophecy having begun with Darius (under Cyrus), followed by Cambyses (530-522 B.C.); Gaumata (522 B.C.) Darius (522-486 B.C.) and Xeres (486-465 B.C.). While others believe it is an eschatological prophesy that speaks of the Armageddon campaign mentioned in the book of Revelation, in this case this will take place towards the end of the seven year Tribulation period.

I mentioned this tad bit of information on the interpretation and context because far too often scripture is taken out of context and the meaning warped to meet the need of the reader. This scripture has everything to do with God and His Covenant with Israel, which He will completely fulfill during the Tribulation period. The reason I pulled it out was to reveal God's immutable character and essence.

Dr. Rick Wallace
Now, lets look at another passage of scripture that applies directly to Christian believers:

"Truly, Truly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also: and greater works than these he will do: because I go to the Father [alluding to the coming of the Holy Spirit; the source of power for Christ and all believers] ." (John 14:12, NASB)

This sounds like great exploits to me. So in two separate covenants, God reveals that faith and surrender to His will leads to great power and extraordinary feats by His people.

God wants to work through you, will you allow Him to? ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

A Surrendered Heart

In an address given to ministers and workers after his ninetieth birthday, George Mueller spoke thus of himself: "I was converted in November, 1825, but I only came into the full surrender of the heart four years later, in July, 1829. The love of money was gone, the love of place was gone, the love of position was gone, the love of worldly pleasures and engagements was gone. God, God alone became my portion. I found my all in Him; I wanted nothing else. And by the grace of God this has remained, and has made me a happy man, an exceedingly happy man, and it led me to care only about the things of God. I ask affectionately, my beloved brethren, have you fully surrendered the heart to God, or is there this thing or that thing with which you are taken up irrespective of God?
I read a little of the Scriptures before, but preferred other books; but since that time the revelation He has made of Himself has become unspeakably blessed to me, and I can say from my heart, God is an infinitely lovely Being.
Oh, be not satisfied until in your own inmost soul you can say, "God is an infinitely lovely Being!"

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

God Know What You're Going Through

God Knows

I will be still, and I will behold in my dwelling place (Isaiah 18:4, RV).
Assyria was marching against Ethiopia, the people of which are described as tall and smooth. And as the armies advance, God makes no effort to arrest them; it seems as though they will be allowed to work their will. He is still watching them from His dwelling place, the sun still shines on them; but before the harvest, the whole of the proud army of Assyria is smitten as easily as when sprigs are cut off by the pruning hook of the husbandman.
Is not this a marvelous conception of God--being still and watching? His stillness is not acquiescence. His silence is not consent. He is only biding His time, and will arise, in the most opportune moment, and when the designs of the wicked seem on the point of success, to overwhelm them with disaster. As we look out on the evil of the world; as we think of the apparent success of wrong-doing; as we wince beneath the oppression of those that hate us, let us remember these marvelous words about God being still and beholding.
There is another side to this. Jesus beheld His disciples toiling at the oars through the stormy night; and watched though unseen, the successive steps of the anguish of Bethany, when Lazarus slowly passed through the stages of mortal sickness, until he succumbed and was borne to the rocky tomb. But He was only waiting the moment when He could interpose most effectually.
Is He still to thee? He is not unobservant; He is beholding all things; He has His finger on thy pulse, keenly sensitive to all its fluctuations. He will come to save thee when the precise moment has arrived.
--Daily Devotional Commentary
It may seem that you are standing alone and that God has forgotten about you. You may be facing the most troubling of times and the clock is rapidly approaching the midnight hour. This is the point in which you must remember that God is the author of time, but He is never bound by it. God is not blind to your struggle. He is not unsympathetic to your pain. He is the master of perfect timing. He knows the exact moment in which to bring you out so that you get the complete victory and He gets the ultimate glory.
Dr. Rick Wallace
The walls may be closing in all around you and all of the evidence points to your demise, but God is a show up God and the moment that your storm began, the “show-up” process was initiated. The enemy is pointing at the clock. He is continually whispering sweet nothings of negativity and doubt. Cast your eyes not on the physical evidence of your circumstance, but look unto the Hills of Heaven, from which comes your help. Gaze into the spiritual realm to see the truth unfold through faith.
God is not absent in your struggle, He sitting still, waiting on the perfect time to execute the perfect rescue. He has promised to never leave nor forsake you. He has promised that he would move over this entire earth to prove himself strong on your behalf. Has he ever failed in his word? Has he ever come short of a promise? Can you recall a moment where He has missed the mark? No. He has a perfect record. He has not missed your moment; He is simply setting you up for His supernatural movement. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace