Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Seasonal Showers from On High!

I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing (Ezekiel 34:26).

What is your season today? Are you experiencing a season of drought? If so then it is the season for showers. Are you going through a season of great heaviness with dark clouds? Then that too is the season for showers. "Your strength will equal your days" (Deut. 33:25). "I will send... showers of blessing." Notice that the word 'showers' is plural.
God will send all kinds of blessings. And all His blessings go together like links in a golden chain. If He gives you saving grace, He will also give you comforting grace. God will send "showers of blessings." Look up today, you who are dried and withered plants. Open your leaves and flowers and receive God's heavenly watering.
--Charles H. Spurgeon

Let but your heart become a valley low,
And God will rain on it till it will overflow.

You, O Lord, can transform my thorn into a flower. And I do want my thorn transformed into a flower. Job received sunshine after the rain, but was the rain all wasted? Job wants to know, and I want to know, if the rain is related to the sunshine. Only You can tell me - Your cross can tell me. You have crowned Your sorrow. Let this be my crown, O Lord. I will only triumph in You once I have learned the radiance of the rain.
--George Matheson


If you are going through a difficult time -- a place where the darkness is so thick that you can literally feel it, I encourage you to hold and take courage in the knowledge that your season of darkness has not separated you from God. Solomon said that God dwells in the darkness. It is in the darkness that God does his great work. It is in the darkness that He moves behind the scenes to position you for your promotion. It is in the darkness that He shakes the very foundation of your circumstance to bring deliverance and victory.

Dr. Rick Wallace
Your victory does not come through the circumvention of the vicissitudes of life, but through the perseverance of those struggles. God has promised to bring showers in your season. This means that even in the darkness you will be able to find blessings. I encourage you to hold on in this moment of difficulty; your showers are forthcoming. 

Your heart may be heavy and filled with anguish, I can relate -- I have been there. You may be struggling to survive what seems to be an immanent divorce, don't become frenetic and unglued, God is still sovereign. You may be struggling through a financial crisis, but fret not, for God is the ultimate provider. You may be oppressed beyond measure and there seems to be no escape, but keep believing , for God is a deliverer. For the true believer, there is no such thing as hopelessness and despair, because your hope is anchored in the Lord, who is always greater than your circumstances. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

Additional Resources by Dr. Rick Wallace 



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