Thursday, January 2, 2014

Taking Possession of Your Inheritance

"Arise... for we have seen the land, and behold, it is very good; and are ye still? Be not slothful to go, and enter to possess the land: for God hath given it into your hands; a place where there is no want of anything that is in the earth" (Judges 18:9, 10).

Arise! Then there is something definite for us to do. Nothing is ours unless we take it. "The children of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, took their inheritance" (Joshua 16:4).

"The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions" (Obad. 17).

"The upright shall have good things in possession."

We need to have appropriating faith in regard to God's promises. We must make God's Word our own personal possession. A child was asked once what appropriating faith was, and the answer was, "It is taking a pencil and underscoring all the me's and mine's and my's in the Bible."

Take any word you please that He has spoken and say, "That word is my word." Put your finger on this promise and say, "It is mine." How much of the Word has been endorsed and receipted and said "It is done." How many promises can you subscribe and say, "Fulfilled to me."

"Son, thou art ever with Me, and all that I have is thine." Don't let your inheritance go by default.

"When faith goes to market it always takes a basket."


Dr. Rick Wallace
When I read this, I could not help but wonder how many Christian believers have given up their divine inheritance by default. An entire generation of Israelites failed to receive the promise by default. The writer of Hebrews said that that they did not obtain it because they failed to receive the promise with faith. This faith that I am speaking of is far more than simply believing; it is the force that is generated when your beliefs become perceptive realities in your heart and they drive you to the point of action. When your faith has not yet produced corresponding action, it is not yet authentic faith. 

We must have a faith that is audacious enough to take God at His Word -- All of it. We must stop allowing our limited perspicacity of God's divine omnipotence to interfere with out ability to take Him at his Word. It is time to "rise up' and take possession of all that God has promised you. It is time to boldly declare your dominion, not simply through verbal expression, but through direct and unquestionable action. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace 

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