Monday, October 24, 2011

Time To Make A Difference!

Below you will find an email from the Barak Obama re-election campaign. I urge you to read it and provide your input on the content.

Last night, Democrats in the Senate tried to pass a simple piece of President Obama's jobs plan that shouldn't be controversial: provide money to prevent further layoffs of teachers, cops, and firefighters at the local level, and pay for it by taxing the income of millionaires an extra 0.5%.

This morning a lot of media outlets reported that the Senate "rejected" or "voted down" this proposal.

But that's not what happened. The measure didn't come to an actual vote.

That's because every single Republican senator filibustered the bill -- meaning they wouldn't even let an up-or-down vote happen. Republicans have unilaterally decided not to allow even that simple majority vote on anything that might help the economy before the next election.

To be clear: This bill would have created jobs, and both parties have supported similar measures in the past.

But, sadly, some in the Congress do not feel any responsibility to act. As someone who has spent a lot of time working in and with the Senate, I can tell you that it's a particularly low moment for the legislative branch of our government.

It doesn't need to be this way. That's why the President and our campaign are focused on fixing what's broken in Washington. Right now, that means we're going to keep the pressure on Congress to act, until every single piece of the President's jobs plan -- the parts to help veterans find jobs and get small businesses hiring more people -- gets a vote.

So please, reach out and keep reaching out to your Republican members of Congress and ask them to give each piece of the American Jobs Act a fair vote.

Call them now -- then let us know how it went.

According to our records, you're represented in the Senate by Kay Bailey Hutchison: (202) 224-5922
and John Cornyn: (202) 224-2934

If you're on Twitter, be sure to tweet at your Republicans in Congress as well.

We'll have more on this soon.


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

To all reading this:

We have an immense responsibility to be informed and involved in the political process. We must not be led by false propaganda, but must invest the time and energy to see things as they truly are. We must examine the facts in detail to know exactly what is going on in Washington. I urge you to step up and make a difference. Impactful living is what every Christian must must do. ~ Bishop Rick Wallace