Who can find a virtuous woman? This is a question pondered by many in today's society. Is the virtuous woman an anomaly in our contemporary culture? At first glance, it would seem to be so; however, a more detailed anatomization of the issue would reveal a more intricate enigma; that of lost identity.
A Christian woman's virtue begins in her knowledge of her positional existence in Christ. She has been baptized into Christ; being a part of His death, burial, and resurrection. She lives in Him and through him.
In Maya Angelou's poem, "Beautiful Christian Sister", the first line says, " A women's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man will have to seek him first in order to find her." That speaks volumes. When a woman hides herself in Christ, she is not only aware of her worth, but her worth is protected. Her worth is then enhanced and refined. In Christ she rises to her position of optimal virtue. She becomes her husbands greatest blessing.
It is by no coincidence that three of these 22 verses deal directly with her relationship with her husband.
*v11 - The heart of her husband trusts her...
*v23 - Her husband is known at the gates, where he
sets among the elders of the land (a position of
prominence) his success is directly tied to hers.
*v28 - Her husband praises her
The success of this relationship with her husband is directly related to the fact that he found her hidden in the bosom of Christ.
She is the crown of his glory because she reflects him as he reflects Christ.
So to every woman that reads this brief contribution, I have but one thing to say to you: Know your worth! ~ Rick Wallace
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