Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Queen Protects the King

Some of you who have been impacted by the secular paradigms of this fallible culture and led to believe certain unfounded principles pertaining to relationships will probably wonder why I would post this. It is because the many hours I have spent researching God's design for marriage opened up the true dynamic of marriage to me. It revealed how secular culture has totally obscured God’s true intention and design for marriage. It has caused non-believers and believers alike to take on a selfish approach to an extremely selfless institution.

There is significance in the fact that God took a rib from Adam to create Ishah (the woman, she was not called Eve, until after the fall). The Hebrew terminology that is used to express this extraordinary action paints a vivid picture. When God created Adam, the word yatsar (to form) is used, but when he took the rib from Adam's side to create Ishah, the word banah (to build, to fashion, to sculpt) is used; depicting the divine construction of the female body. (This expanded more in some of my studies and written treatises)

The significance in the rib is that the rib provides protection to the most vital organs of the human body; by taking a rib from Adam, He created a place of weakness and vulnerability. So then the rib is semantically symbolic in that it expresses the power of the women, as helper, to cover her husband’s weaknesses.

I have often said that behind every great man is a great woman, and she is great because she knows his weaknesses, but instead of exploiting them or degrading him, she covers them; allowing him to stand and lead with confidence. She does not share his weaknesses with her friends or share them on Facebook and Twitter.

My brother in the ministry shared with me the other day as he watched some old footage of some civil rights protesters being sprayed with fire hoses, and he notice that one of the men had been beaten and injured and he could not retreat fast enough from the force of the hose. A woman (probably his wife, maybe not) comes and places herself between the man and the water (taking the brunt of the force). She saved his life by risking her own. My friend said to me, "Rick, in this culture, how many women do you know that would do that now? Sadly, I couldn't build a significant list. Women would do it for their adult male children, but not for their husbands.

Before you ladies get on your high horses, and proclaim that I am so off base and how dare I say that; check this out. If so, why is it that so many of you are so easily prepared to expose your man's weaknesses (it's non-biblical, in fact it's contrary to biblical mandate). Why is it that you are so willing to tear him down when he is broken or stumbles, rather than take the moment to build him up? Why is it that your mother and friends know more about your marriage than you do?
Dr. Rick Wallace

This is not about giving men a pass, I stay on them as well. This is about understanding the dynamic of marriage. A man needs to have the confidence that he can step out and lead. No one likes to admit this, but failing is a part of leadership, and a man needs to know that he can make a mistake and he will have at least one person that will support him. A man needs to know that his weaknesses are covered by your strengths.

Yes, men are leaders, protectors and providers (in that order), but in the true design of the marriage there are situations when the queen, in essence, protects the king.

When so many Christian marriages are faltering, one has to ask themselves why; not looking to point the finger, but to taking an introspective examination of self. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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