Not Afraid to Love
It’s apparent that no one escapes life’s
Looking past your pulchritude into the
deeper you, I see that heartache has visited you too!
You’ve been lied to, left to linger and languish,
your heart has been crushed by grief and anguish;
devastated by deception & bruised by betrayal,
cast down in spirit and lost in multiple layers – of
disappointment and unfulfilled needs and desires,
your heart wants to love, but the good-til date has expired!
You’ve become
disillusioned and darkened by the hurtful acts of the one you trusted to love
you back.
Hemmed in and
corralled by cunning manipulation, he said you had freedom, but that came with
He promised to love,
honor and protect, but you’ve experienced very little in the way of respect.
Your heart cries out
in the darkness and despair, wondering in the midst of your pain if God’s
really there.
He promised that he
would not forsake, leave, or fail you in any way, yet the enemy has wreaked unbridled
havoc to your dreams, draining you of your strength is seems, if he’s anything
at all, he’s mean.
What happened to that
gentle yet powerful specimen that will lesson all your stressing while you
travel through your testing?
With all your baggage
and all that you’ve been through, you are wondering what good can possible
follow the abuse.
Know that in all the hurt that you’ve been through, I am not
afraid to love you.
God built me to be
big enough to shield you from the terror of your past;
He built me to be committed enough to make it last.
He built me to be strong enough to bear the weight of your
He built me to be wise enough to make it work.
He built me to be broad enough to cover you;
He equip me with the vision to see us through
I’m not intimidated by the size of your pain or your past.
I am not shaken by the daunting task,
Of loving you past all you’ve been through
I’m not afraid to love you.
God knew that you needed a man uniquely equipped to handle
all that is you collectively.
Although he designed me perfect initially, I have become
what I did habitually
Contaminated by
secular infiltration, heart darkened by the physical manifestation of a break
in my relation that brought massive devastation. I have desired God to return
me to the initial state of my creation.
So he stepped down
from heaven and dissected my being
Implanted a new heart
within that affected my seeing. Transfused my contaminated bloodline with the His
blood and infected my weak mind.
With a renewed spirit
and a heart captivated by God Himself
I receive you with a
tenderness that has become the vault where your heart is kept.
Yes, you’ve been
troubled by so many impersonators, pretending to be me but your problems they
In all that has
become your truth, I’m not afraid to love you.
Your hope has waned because of un-kept promises and pure
I come to heal you through a loving benediction.
I speak life through prayer and in specific description
Lifting you as I personally anoint your daily mission.
As I carefully touch each individual part
I speak life through my lips as it flows from my heart.
God, bless her eyes so she only sees you, anoint her lips so
that she only speaks truth.
Guard her ears so that no evil comes through
As I hold your hands I speak that power flows constantly
through them
Empowering you to touch a life and glorify Him.
Even your feet I hold as I speak they are kept
Lord empower her walk and guide every step.
I’m not frightened by all you’ve been through, I’m not
afraid to love you!
I’m the manifestation of your prayers for someone to love
away the hurt
I’m the physical expression of God’s responsive words.
I am the healing balm that erases the pain, eliminates the
shame, covers the blame and gives you a new last name.
I’m the repairer of the breach and the guarder of the gate,
I’m the same man that promised you I’d wait.
I’m the man whose vision is designed to encompass you
The king that will make you my queen and edify you.
I’m the man that will infuse my love into the deepest
recesses of your existence,
The man that will fulfill every one of your wishes
The man that will induce an elevated heartbeat when I enter
the room
The king that will caress you with truth
I am not afraid to love you!
Dr. Rick Wallace
Warrior's Fire.....Poet's Romance! As a Man should be! Captivating, it draws me in, feeling your hearts beat for it uninhibited!! May all your heart desire's manifest now in Jesus name!! Love and Blessings, Trish....W.O.W.