Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Glory of a Man!

Some of you have heard me say this before, but I will venture to say it again. "You can judge the character of a man by the countenance of his wife." I was taught this lesson a long time ago and I have studied it ever since; it is actually biblical. The Bible tells us that the wife is the glory (or reflection) of her husband.

Men what this means is that when we fail to bring security, peace joy, and most of all, love into the spirit of our wives, it is visible to the world. Our failures as men cannot be hidden because the very countenance of our wives reveal it.

Dr. Rick Wallace
We are called to love our wives, even to the point of ultimate sacrifice. When we get married we are to die to self so that we may live to the honor of our wives. Our goal should be to love our wives with a force that imposes our very honor into her spirit and the infusion of the honor generates a glorious illumination which flows profusely through every pore and orifice on her body.

It is not the wedding ring that a woman wears that is a deterrent to the advancement of other men, it is the phosphorescent glow that illuminates all that is in her periphery that tells that man and everyone else within range that she is not only married, but fulfilled. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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