At a Crossroads
My concern – most of all – is the fact that this adulterous
woman is viewed as somewhat of a hero and her adulterous behavior is applauded
by Christian women. The fact that this women has destroyed a family and a
marriage seems to elude them for some reason. Maybe it’s because she is black
and deep down inside it feels good to see the black woman win, especially when it
is perceived that so many good black men have been scooped up by white women.
Maybe it’s that she represents a release from a reality that many can’t truly
escape. She has money, influence and power in manner that very few will ever
Once per week people across America get to escape their
lives and live vicariously through this character. It concerns me that she is
applauded; it concerns me that she is viewed as strong – when every action
towards this man reveals her weakness for him and her disregard for the
covenant of marriage. Being able to break up a marriage does not make you
strong. It reveals some deep rooted issues within you that must be addressed. It
reveals some brokenness that you are attempting to self-heal.
Many that do live tweets, posts and shout outs during the
show applauding her every deceitful move, as well as applauding this man’s
rough handling of his wife in the process, do so as if she is a hero and a role
model. Many will attempt to justify this phenomenon by pointing to the fallacy
of this man’s wife and the poor state of the marriage. Well, that may work in
the secular world, but God views marriage in one light, that of covenant. This
is what God thinks about covenant.
“And this is the second thing you do: You cover the altar of
the Lord with tears, with weeping and crying; so He does not regard the
offering anymore, nor receive it with goodwill from your hands. Yet you say, “For
what reason?” Because the Lord has been witness between you and the wife of
your youth, whom you have dealt with treacherously; yet she is your companion
and your wife by covenant.” (Malachi 2:13-14, NKJV)
Covenant means so much to God that he stoppped honoring the
prayers and offerings of the priests because they had dealt unfairly with their
covenantal wives. God is the same God today as he was then. For you that will
say that the passage is from the Old Testament and based on the New Covenant,
we are no longer under the Law. Listen to what Peter had to say on the matter:
“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them (wives) with
understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel (physical
strength), and as being heirs together (equal in purpose and identity) of the
grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” (1 Peter 3:7, NKJV)
Paul weighed in on the matter as well:
“Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and
gave Himself for her…Even so, husbands should love their wives as [being in a
sense] their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself. For no man
hated his own flesh, but nourishes (Greek – “ektrepho” – meaning to rear up to
maturity, support, cherish and train) and carefully protects and cherishes (Greek
“thalpo” – meaning to brood over, to warm, protect and foster) it, as Christ
does the church. (Ephesians 5:25-29, AMP – Expanded)
Many will read this a play their trump card, declaring that
I am judging. To that, I say that I am speaking with the authority given to me
by Christ to clearly present His way. I don’t have the authority to condemn,
but I do have the authority and the command to point out fallible behavior that
is antithetical to the Christian way of life. I do have the responsibility to
warn every believer of behavior that is conducive to corruption of the soul and
failure in the actualization of the great potential they possess. I am not
perfect, I make mistakes, but I don’t want people applauding my mistakes. I
want someone to care enough to pull my coat tail and tell me to chill.
Let me be clear about something. When you endorse erroneous
behavior, you invite that scourge into your life, and you can’t possibly expect
God to protect you from it when you have been promoting it.
Dr. Rick Wallace |
God is immutable, meaning He does not change. Grace never
removed the standard, it only satisfied the ultimate penalty and created
reconciliation. God is still 100 percent Holy (meaning that His perfect
standards are always carried out by each Member of the Godhead, and that he
does not except anything less than His own perfect standard).
Christian ladies, there has to be some other woman that you
can praise as a hero; some other woman that you can use as a role model of
power. There has to be some other way to vent your personal frustrations than
to live vicariously through a character that violates so much of what you are
supposed to stand for. You cannot applaud this behavior without subconsciously approving
it. This is why the Apostle Paul said that we must “cast down every argument
that exalts itself against the Lord, bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ.”Would you want a women coming into your home and
taking your husband? No matter how bad the marriage, he is still your husband,
no one has the right to come in and interfere with that.
It is time to wise up to the schemes and machinations of the
enemy. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace
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