Walking in Greatness
I was adopted and reared by my great-grandparents. I thank
God for the lessons that they taught me.
My Grandmother:
"Son you were designed and created for greatness. God gifted you to move
powerfully in His kingdom. Whatever you do, don't ever let anyone convince you
otherwise. You will stumble and make mistakes, but that does not negate who you
are. You may even venture off track, but that does not negate who you are.
People will talk about you, but that does not negate who you are.
Baby, you will be misunderstood, misquoted, and flat out
lied on, but that will not change who you are. Friends will leave you when you
need them most. Others will abuse your love because they can't understand it.
In return for your love, they will become your accusers, but they still can't
change who you are. Son, you are anointed, gifted, powerful, purposed and sent.
No human designated these things and no human can eliminate or destroy them.
Son, you are called and sent by God; walk in it." Mrs. E. L. Wallace
My Grandfather: "Son, if you listen to what I am about
to tell you, you will be a great man in this world, not based on the standards
of man, but based on the legacy you will leave behind for your descendants.
You will find yourself in one of three places throughout
your life; going into a storm, in a storm, or coming out of a storm. When you
find yourself in a storm, your first inclination will be to look for someone to
blame; don't worry, the majority of the time you will not have to look much
further than yourself.
When you find yourself in the storm, do not focus on the
placing of blame. When you find yourself in the midst of a storm, your number one
responsibility as a man is to insure that you come out of your storm a better
man than when you entered it." C.D. Wallace
My great-grandparents taught me so much. They prepared me
for life. They made sure that I understood who I was and what that meant. They
also made sure that I understood that my gifts did not come with a guarantee of
I learned through the lessons that were taught to me in that
little home on Tite St. that there is an awesome power working in my life and
the life of every believer that is willing to step onto the battlefield. I
learned that there is a force working on the inside of me that is more powerful
than any enemy or obstacle I will face. I learned that the Cross paved my way
to victory long before my arrival. I leaned that I could shake myself loose
from any diabolical scheme and every pernicious machination of the enemy.
Dr. Rick Wallace |
I want to encourage each of you reading this article to
believe in who you are in Christ. Stop allowing others to label you and
establish your worth and your power. Start walking in the anointed power of
God. Set your sites on God's purpose for your life. There will be moments in
which you will seem lost and maybe even stumble; don't ever allow someone to
convince you to mortgage your future in an attempt to pay for your past. Mend
the relationships that you can, change those things about you that are not of
God, and move forward. Leave the past where it lies and focus on what the
future holds for you. God wants to use you in a mighty way. Anyone that is not
in your life to facilitate God's movement in your life has been sent by the
enemy to distract you from it. There is
no neutral ground; there is either friend or foe.
I pray the awesome power of God in your lives. You are the
blessed of God. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace
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