Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hidden In Christ: Receiving the Mate that God Has For You!

Hidden In Christ: Receiving the Mate that God Designed for You!

Allow me to elucidate the dynamic flow of receiving the right mate. Notice that I said receiving the right mate, not finding them (At least not in the sense of actively searching. When you find them its actually more noticing them after God placed them in front of you than it is finding them.  You don't find them, you receive them, as they come hand delivered by the designer. So many spend great energy attempting to find the right one and inevitably end up with the nightmare from the dark side.

When you go desperately seeking something, you alert the devil to the easiest way to get to you. So he sends an impostor that talks like a winner, but actually, they are there to rob you. They are there to rob you of your virtue, your hope, your dreams, and your joy. They will drain you of all that is precious under the guise of love; leaving you helplessly lacking is self-worth and self-esteem.

So, you don't go looking for it; no you wait, but you don't just wait; you position yourself in the proper place. Where is this place? This place can best be described in my favorite quote: "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek him first in order to find her." The proper position is hidden in Christ. Ladies, when your heart is hidden in Christ, you are aware of your identity and with the awareness of your identity, there is an awareness of your worth. There is also an awareness of your purpose and destiny.

The great thing about being hidden in Christ is the fact that only Christ can reveal you to the man that is for you. Because you are hidden, only the one that Christ desires to expose you to will have access to you. This will save you from a lot of heartache and disappointment. So many of you are trying to increase your odds by joining dating sites, as if you can help God do what He has been doing since the beginning of time. You don't receive your mate by increasing the odds, you receive your mate by patiently and faithfully waiting on God to honor His promise.

This applies to the men as well. You must understand that as a Christian man, the only way you find that helper that God designed and sculpted from your Rib is the seek Him first. How can you possibly find a woman whose heart is hidden in Christ anywhere except hidden in Him? She is not in the club dropping it like it’s hot. She is not frequenting happy hours hoping for the right man to pass his number. She is not hanging around a bunch of negative women that are feeding her bad advice that will definitely cause her to screw up the next relationship that will come along. She is not pretending to be a Godly woman while constantly flirting with the thought of just how much can she get away with and still be okay with God.

She is hidden in Christ, her heart is sold out to him. She has probably been hurt more than once by a man that found it to be an acceptable course of action to step on her dreams and choke the life out of her aspirations. She has probably been battered by the negative forces of abandonment and betrayal. She has lost her ability to trust and the only way that you will get through those defenses without being hurt yourself is to go through Christ.

Dr. Rick Wallace
Women, if the man that shows up in your life does not bear the mark of a godly man, if his Character and commitment to his walk is questionable, let him keep on moving. I am not talking about a perfect man, I am speaking of a man that is perfectly committed to his design, purpose, and destiny. I am speaking of a man that is well acquainted to his vision. Women, too often, you are more concerned with where a man is at. You want to know what he does for a living; where he lives, what he drives, but all that reveals is where he is at. What you should be concerned with is what his vision is. Does he have a God given vision? Can he lucidly explain that vision? Why is understanding his vision so important? Because knowing what he does only reveals where he is at, but knowing his vision will tell you where he is going. Where he is going is extremely important, because that is where he will be taking you.

So, position yourself to receive all that God has for you. The enemy may have convinced you that it is too late, but that is not the case. God honors faith irregardless of how dysfunctional things have become in your life. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

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