"The last drops of my sacrifice are falling; my time to go has come. I have fought in the good fight; I have kept the faith" (2 Tim. 4:6, 7).
Are you fighting the good fight of faith? Will you be able to speak with confidence, those words spoken by Paul at the end of his Journey? "...I have fought a good fight; I have kept the faith; I have finished the race." (2 Tim. 4:6,7). Was this race one of ease? No, Paul faced many tribulations, even to the point of death. Was Paul's progress measured out within the confines of comfort and convenience, being void of conflict? Did Paul spend his years attempting to circumvent the vicissitudes of life? No, Paul marched boldly towards his calling, even when he knew that doing so would lead to his death.
Again, I ask are you fighting the good fight of faith? Are you pressing on through the darkness. Are you bearing out your faith in your walk or are you simply timidly speaking of faith. Are you rising above your circumstance to live at a level that is representative of the faith you claim? Are you declaring in the midst of your storm that you are yet victorious? If not, it is time that you start doing so. I am calling all believers to Next Level Living. I am calling all believers to exercise a faith in God that calls him to do the supernatural as you move on His behalf. This is a pivotal time in the history of mankind. The enemy has been taking ground for decades while believers sit back in survival mode. It is time to take back all that the devil has stolen.
This is a year of restoration, God has granted it, but you must be willing to possess it. In order to possess it, you have to be willing to step on the water. You must be willing to engage the enemy with a faith that is audacious enough to expect God to fight on your behalf. You have to engage the enemy with a faith that dares to trust God to do the impossible. In order to partake of this restoration, you must be willing to absorb the scars of battle.
God honors faith; he meets you at your level of expectation. He is waiting to do a new thing in your life, but you must be willing to fight the good fight of faith.
God is looking to pour out His power and favor on those that are willing to believe Him for the supernatural. Those that are willing to sell out in their Christian walk. God is looking for the ones that are ready to cast their lot into the "Fellowship of the Unashamed". God wants to bear out His will and plan through your lives; he is calling you to greatness. It is time to stop meandering through the maze of mediocrity; it is time to resist the inclination to ponder at the pool of popularity. It is time relinquish to path of small planning. It is time to toss away those timid and tamed visions. It is time to shake the very core of this culture through a faith that is centered in the goodness and greatness of God. It is time to take up the cross of sacrifice and walk into your destiny.
So, again I ask; are you fighting the good fight of faith?
Dr. Rick Wallace
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