Monday, January 6, 2014

Standing in the Midst of a Move of God

When thou passest through the waters... they shall not overflow thee (Isaiah 43:2).

God does not open paths for us in advance of our coming. He does not promise help before help is needed. He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them. Yet when we are on the edge of our need, God's hand is stretched out.

Many people forget this, and are forever worrying about difficulties which they foresee in the future. They expect that God is going to make the way plain and open before them, miles and miles ahead; whereas He has promised to do it only step by step as they may need. You must get to the waters and into their floods before you can claim the promise. Many people dread death, and lament that they have not "dying grace." Of course, they will not have dying grace when they are in good health, in the midst of life's duties, with death far in advance. Why should they have it then? Grace for duty is what they need then, living grace; then dying grace when they come to die.
--J. R. M.

We were never promised the absence of trials in fact we are told that trials would come. The Apostle James said that we should count it all joy when we fall into various trials. The Apostle Peter interjected that that trials would come to test the genuineness of our faith. The Apostle Paul said that we should glory in our tribulations. Even our Lord Jesus Christ reminded us that in this life we would have tribulations, but in every count there is victory for the one that possesses faith. 

Your victory as a believer does not come in the absence of struggle and adversity, it comes through the faithful perseverance through those struggles. It is when you are at the edge of despair and defeat that God moves. It is when you have been written off by those is your periphery that God sustains. It is when many have written your obituary that God breathes life into your situation. God has never promised that there would not be attacks, He promised that they would not prosper. 

Do not become despaired by your situation, your difficulty has placed you in a position in which you must call on your faith, and it is that audacious and radical faith that will place you right in the midst of a move of God. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace 

Additional Resources by Dr. Rick Wallace



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